Moderator: Ryvvi
Ashton wrote:welcome back
Gingerale wrote:Voice acting sounds like fun!
Have you done any voice acting yet, either professional or for fun?
Lemon Cheesecake wrote:welcome back!
galled wrote:Welcome back!
Good luck on your voice acting! I know a few people who have done that kind of work (actually I probably know more actors--but I used to live in Los Angeles where most people I knew were in the movie and TV businesses). Voice work is definately easier physically compared to acting, but it can be more demanding in other ways. Do you have an agent or how have you been finding work?
Anyway, welcome back. We'd love to keep tabs on your progress!
Gingerale wrote:I am sorry to hear you are chronically ill, there are quite a few in our Windlyn community that suffer from autoimmune issues. Maybe we should start a help thread on here.
Unless a person has issues they aren't aware of how simple things like a virus can trigger issues in the immune system that end up being chronic. Or in my case how foods can trigger issues as well.
I have to be careful with things I eat or I suffer.
But on a brighter note, I love that you have actually been able to fulfill some of your acting & modeling dreams. Modelling is a very difficult field & acting is also hard to get into. I have some friends that do local theater & love it. They have other jobs so the theater is more recreational or a hobby interest.
Lemon Cheesecake wrote:I'm surprised that autoimmune is as prevalent...I don't know if its because the medical field is recognizing (acknowledging it) more now or if there is something in our environment causing or triggering it? But I am happy to say those with issues don't have to be treated like it is all in their minds!
Progress is being made. I have a customer who has had MS (multiple sclerosis) for about 20 years or so & has managed it by diet. She follows a strict diet, a Doctor in California wrote the book & has a clinic & she saw him when she was diagnosed. She even had kids. She has to go in for regular appointments but she is very disciplined about following the guidelines in the book & highly recommends it.
Lemon Cheesecake wrote:I am glad you mentioned POTS, the symptoms sound similar to something someone I know is having so I am going to tell them to take the test to check for it.
It is amazing how many of the autoimmune issues begin with a "rogue" virus. EBV, Ebstein Barr virus ( think mono)can cause chronic issues that can lead later to other problems like MS or lymphoma or fibromyalgia for examples.
POTS sounds similar that it can start from having a virus & be chronic & cause fatigue.
Like other autoimmune issues it sounds like POTS may benefit from a low sugar low carb diet. I know many of my issues subsided when I went to low carb diet. I rarely eat breads, pasta or rice anymore & my body seems to flow better & I don't get the debilitating intestinal pain. But cutting out breads means I don't eat wheat products & I try to stay away from processed foods as well. I am still working on some of the other issues I have, one being whether I am dehydrated as in low on electrolytes.
Edelinlenalilacblue9 wrote:Hi ☺️ welcome to Windlyn!!!
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