Lemon CheesecakeIt's kinda hard to find someone to talk to when the site doesn't have a lot of people though. I also live on the other side of the world (Asia) so I'm often online on dead hours.
I don't particularly mind posting for currency but I wish the site allowed getting currency from spamming in the spam forum. Feels like it defeats the purpose of the spam forum when you need to have conversation even there.
I also didn't buy any pet since I don't get what they're for. I saw the pet FAQ. All it had were details on how to acquire and care for your pet but not the purpose of one. So I'm just incubating the free egg I have and trying to see what's going to happen.
As for the Secret Garden, it unfortunately doesn't have items for male avatars. The designs of the stuff there are nice and the color schemes are nice but I can't find anything to suit this avatar.