Join a Side:

The town is in danger, and you're the hero everyone needs!

Someone's been up to no good, and released trouble all across town. Every night, more bad stuff leaks out, and the town is getting overwhelmed with icky grime and bad emotions. Your alter-ego and your squad try everything you can think of, but nothing you do seems to help! Is the danger too strong??
One day, by fate or by accident, you chased and cornered a bad spirit at the same time some members of your rival squad did. The two of you might not agree on methods or style, but you do believe in fairness and justice. Hand-in-hand, you channeled your powers together and banished the bad spirit! You've never seen results like this! Your unlikely duo vowed to protect each other at all costs, and help stop the plague on the town. As quick as it entered, the bad spirit left this world, and in its place was a small trinket. After collecting a few more, they began to glow and resonate. You spoke to your animal familiars and learned that these are mythical Power Gems, capable of extraordinary feats, if only they could get charged up!

Collect Power Gems and become stronger so you can accomplish your new goal: Work together with your friends to fight evildoers and save everyone! The encouragement from your rivals should push you to do your best and shine the brightest you can.

Craft something with your power gems
Check your outfit

How to Play

  • Pledge your loyalty to a squad! Starlight Saviours or Spookie Cuties.
  • Don't attack anyone! There's too much of that going on already. Defend, heal, or save others.
  • Helping someone will earn your team points.
  • The person you help can be on either team (or none at all!). Only your team will earn points.
  • Don't forget to gear up for maximum effectiveness!
  • At the end of the event, a special item dedicated to the winning team will be distributed to everyone.

Helping someone

  • To help someone, browse Windlyn’s forums and keep an eye out for someone in trouble. They’ll let you know with a button on the profile next to their post. Clicking the button will let you help the user!
  • When you help someone, you will share a special memory and be left changed forever.

Heart Points (HP)

  • 5 Heart Points are used up when you help someone out. If you do not have Heart Points, you won’t be able to be much help.
  • HP can be regenerated in small increments by posting, or fully regenerated by checking back to this event page every twenty four (24) hours.