You have 0 Kappa Token to spend.
The party is over! Whoever was running this stand before seems to be drought right now. They might not be coming back...
Leaf Umbrella
Feed the fall plants while staying dry
Leaf Umbrella
Feed the forest plants while staying dry
Leaf Umbrella
Feed the springtime plants while staying dry
Leaf Umbrella
Feed the tea plants while staying dry
Leaf Umbrella
Feed the nocturnal plants while staying dry
Turtle Carapace
Does it serve a purpose or just look cool?
Turtle Carapace
Does it serve a purpose or just look bright?
Turtle Carapace
Does it serve a purpose or just look dry?
Turtle Carapace
Does it serve a purpose or just look hot?
Turtle Carapace
Does it serve a purpose or just look prosperous?
Turtle Carapace
Does it serve a purpose or just look romantic?
Turtle Carapace
Does it serve a purpose or just look aquatic?
Turtle Carapace
Does it serve a purpose or just look statuesque?
A dish filled with fall power. Don't spill it!
A dish filled with morning power. Don't spill it!
A dish filled with magic power. Don't spill it!
A dish filled with nocturnal power. Don't spill it!
A dish filled with river power. Don't spill it!
A dish filled with summer power. Don't spill it!
A shy river boy