noisechannelrocker Hey man, been quite a while. (It's LucifersSavior from syn, we talked forever ago XD) I saw your post on syn and figured I'd come say hi to ya here
@Of The Stars I'll probably try again some time then. XD I've thought about it but haven't actually gotten any of the games... Which one would you recommend?
Aww, that's no fun They should make one where it's possible to burn the house down if that's not a thing yet XD Or at least have it has an option or something.
I would have no idea what I was doing XD And seasons change it?
@Lemon Well considering the last time I played was maybe for 10 minutes (most of which was just making the sim) like 4 years ago I'm not sure how much that really counts as playing for me XD I watched Markiplier play some sims 4 though? Not a lot though