I love cold and rainy weather and not looking forward for warmer weather over here in California tend to get warm up too quickly and then goes down for a bit to be cool. July is the hottest month for us. Whew. Lol.
Interesting colors to help brighten the room but my room is usually pretty shade of blue that reminds you of clear blue sky outside. But seems like no matter which room I moved in. Everyone likes to come in my room. xD
Yeah, I like all the wonderful breeze but not the hot breeze during the summer at the times. Heck, no. LOL! Thankfully, my cats don't rip the screens on the windows. They like to watch.
Don't forget Triple Crown is highest status for Race Horses but most horses from the race can be short lived career. Those poor Thoroughbreds. Don't look at me as a person that's horse crazy back then. LOL! I don't talk about horses as much same with My Little Pony.