Fortunately I have not ever experienced a flat tire while driving. (Yay for rarely driving.)
I have however have had a car start smoking under the hood mid drive due to the engine overheating cause of a faulty oil seal. Scared the shit outta me man.
It's currently straight stitched on, so it can't be washed solo. Velcro is so useful and I forgot about that haha. Hate the feel of that stuff tho f. Although you've given me the idea of removing it and adding buttons and button holes to do the same thing. Right?! So annoying when that ...
Thanks and me too! Ohh, I forgot I could add patches for looks, haha. So the cat ones are pockets and the one I'm holding is a strip of fabric that I attached. It's meant for drying your hands. I'm so proud of the placement cuz it's actually super convenient.
Hiii! It's been too long since I last popped in. Thanks work, depression, and allergies >:c Finally starting to recover tho, haha. How has everyone's last of spring been? I successfully sewed a thing (an apron)! What has been your ...