hey charity mule here! the name is up on the first page as well donafae = donation faerie i've done a tally for one full set of what the charity needs including the old items that are rereleased this year not counting backgrounds and for the full set including old items with backgrounds.. WITHOUT BA...
you are quite welcome! all trades have been updated and completed! If anyone has extra pumpcoins or items to donate to the charity please send it to donafae! I'm tempted to host a contest sort of a "dress up donafae" kind of thing for she has a new outfit for the season, she always has gre...
A full summer set [not counting the daily items from earlier this summer] is now in the charity inventory to be given out! Working on starting to catch up on the fall items so I do not end up too far behind on those! Thank you very much for any help you have given everyone!
We just need 325 more feathers to get every item left that we need out of lazarus for the charity now! thank you so much lemon for your help so far and a thank you in advance to anyone else who decides to contribute!
Urgent! We are nearing the end of the availability of the current items in the lazarus and to get just ONE full set I need 835 feathers to purchase the rest of the items required, that's not counting if I wished to get multiples of the items to give out to everyone ;-; I hate to ask for help but pl...
All trades have been sent out and updated as of this post. Thank you greatly for your patience everyone! Also if anyone has any new/old event items and/or common items or wing items they would like to donate to help out the charity it would be great appreciated! edit; also donations of feathers n su...
CHARITY UPDATE! All of the trades have been updated and/or completed so far! Please let everyone that you knovv about the giveavvay! For older users please let me knovv either in a pm or a post vvhat you'd rather have item/colour vvise so I don't send you doubles of something you might already ovvn!...
Hello, Maro here on the charity mule. I'm pretty much quitting vvindlyn for various reasons but I am still going to run the charity through my account / this one so feel free to still ask for donations and such. Alright, off I go.
Just an update I snagged nearly 20 of each of the limited items from the nevv years thinger so that's good, vvorking on getting the snovvmen pieces and the vvinter coloured hairs
At this rate I'll be unable to reach the goal of about 50 or so of each set to give out to everyone, I've been so sick I haven't been able to post much and there's been very fevv donations coming in to help either. x.x; right novv pretty much every bit of my feathers is going tovvards the goal for t...