MonkeyGirl18 wrote:Sorta both. We have a kitchen on the floor and a "study room" which is just a small room with a table and chairs that people use as more of a common room.
And another awesome thing with my dorm, I get a sink in my room.
Caffeine wrote:Flanders'-speak actually made it into one of my classes.
/Only marginally relevant.
Kitalpha Hart wrote:-shrug-
Diddly darn tootin'
Kitalpha Hart wrote:Yet you carefully don't mention that you're trying for a permaban
spoiled by rec's laxness
Kitalpha Hart wrote:No cuz I see you on rec and yes
Do eet
Maro wrote:vvell i'll be gosh-diddly-darned you did-diddly-n't just say hiddly-ho did you neighbourino?/shot