Driscoll does have special ones but the ones I got were DRISCOLL ORIGINAL FLAVOR REGULAR RED STRAWBERRIES the normal strawberry strawberry flavor kind but I guess somehow the flavors got cross pollinated or something or whatever I really can't expla...
I got weird strawberries today they are bright red and really fresh on the outside and SOLID WHITE and taste just like a juicy red APPLE in the middle absolutely no strawberry taste just perfect apple flavor I guess it's alien cross pollinated or something lol they are yummy just the oddest thing ever
All my accounts slept that day we all missed it ... So I have zero of the stripes background and the bonus item ..... I do however have extra on every other login day that's the only one I missed Still trying to get a better pic sharing site I'm testing some out lol Edit... HERE WE GO :cheer: Elvis with his Christmas present he loves anything soft so I got him a bear for Christmas
Well my Christmas is postponed until about February thanks to the DMV :scream: I have like $300 in one of my accounts but it's froze till I can show an ID well my ID expired on my birthday back in Oct and the DMV is backed up on appointments so I can't get my renewal till my appointment January 7th ...
I live upstairs and I just let them grow dangling off the side of the rails they got about the size of maybe cantaloupes I'll have to look on my old phone and see if I still have pics And as far as bugs it's really just the bees and wasps making nests on my balcony and then the humming birds come to...