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[Suggestion] A name change service

[Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Ban » Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:58 am

Hello everyone!

I was thinking earlier at work that, from time to time, people sometimes get bored of their current name on the sites, so I thought of a name change system, it could be free or pay for it with in-game currency OR with IRL cash (e.g: $1-2 dollars?) . If its implemented I think it should be a win-win situation, you use the service and pay the site for the service with whatever you pay (Irl, in-game currency).

It could be implemented like this:

You can change your name for a small amount of feathers but each name change costs more, if you don't have feathers you could get the name change for $1-2 maybe?

Just throwing this out there

What do you guys think? Any other suggestion to balance it would be fine aswell!
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Blue Jay » Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:22 am

I have only seen one site with this suggestion to be honest. I think it's both a good idea and a bad idea at the same time. While people may get bored of names it could make it look like multiple accounts if nobody knows you switched names on staff. However at the same time there might be a new user who always goes by a username but can't because someone else already has it. Case in point my name happens to be the name of a mule that a friend of mine created on another avatar site. I had no knowledge of this at the time I created it but if she ever came here I would feel guilty that she can't have her mule name.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Ban » Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:28 am

I understand your point. When a name change occurs, it notifies the Admins that "X user has changed their name to Y" (Don't know if it works like this here) on the sites I've worked with before.

I believe that such system should also have: If you change your name X to Y, make the X vacant after a few days or immediately.

This could work.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Blue Jay » Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:34 am

If done properly it could indeed work. *nods head*
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Bacokatt » Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:40 pm

Gaia does something like that. It compounds 2000 (I think it's more now) every time you change your name. Maybe it was 10,000. I don't remember.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Maro » Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:23 pm

On gaia it's 3 free and then 10k+ for each further change if I remember it goes up every time.

I don't like the idea of real money being a payment option for something like a name change...
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Bacokatt » Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:45 pm

Maro wrote:On gaia it's 3 free and then 10k+ for each further change if I remember it goes up every time.

I don't like the idea of real money being a payment option for something like a name change...

Yea, no cash items or cash services. We saw what happened to Gaia.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Maro » Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:58 pm

Bacokatt wrote:
Maro wrote:On gaia it's 3 free and then 10k+ for each further change if I remember it goes up every time.

I don't like the idea of real money being a payment option for something like a name change...

Yea, no cash items or cash services. We saw what happened to Gaia.

cash items are okay if they are done right, not just chucking only them out like gaia does all the time. but still asking people to pay for a name change, isn't a good idea on a forum vvhen almost every other site either offers them for free completely, free to a point, or only charges the forum currency for it.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Zombie Bunny » Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:18 pm

Well, you see, the problem with this is that you use your usernames to log in, Diana has said something about this before. She has allowed multiple accounts to an email, which is why you log in with your username.

You'd have to ask Diana for details, but this question has been brought up before.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Maro » Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:48 pm

Zombiebunny wrote:Well, you see, the problem with this is that you use your usernames to log in, Diana has said something about this before. She has allowed multiple accounts to an email, which is why you log in with your username.

You'd have to ask Diana for details, but this question has been brought up before.

i actually didn't knovv that vvhen I made my charity mule Donafae so I ended up using a different email x.x

that is true I remember someone asking about this before.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Diana » Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:37 pm

This isn't the first time name changes have come up (see: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=143)

To add to what I said in the other thread:
At this point in time, I don't want people changing their names on a whim, for a couple reasons.
I've seen it on some sites where someone will change their username and then get very upset someone else took theirs, making them unable to switch back. I've also seen the second party impersonate the other users and things like that.
There's also an argument to be made along the lines of: Do you get bored of your name in real life and change it all the time too? You picked your name when you started. How come you suddenly don't like it?

I may make something like this-- purchase a name, in the far future, but I'd have to consider it a lot more.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Blue Jay » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:06 pm

Those are my concerns as well Diana. I always feel that since we can have mules then make your main your mule and make your mule your main with a name you like. That is just my thoughts that I have always had on it. Though maybe having a changeable Forum Title next to your name that has nothing to do with signing in wouldn't be to bad. Like you could be Diana The Ruler and Lime The Queen something like that. Next to the actual names and could be little status thing almost. Like Blue Jay The Sad. It wouldn't affect anything and could add to the name. *nods head*
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Ban » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:43 pm

Fair enough!

Thanks for clarifying certain points, I guess this thread can be locked whenever!
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Diana » Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:46 pm

Blue Jay
Hrm. Like a status message? Or what? I'm not sure I get what you mean.
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Re: [Suggestion] A name change service

Postby Blue Jay » Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:58 pm

Well I only saw it on one other avie site to be honest. Basically a title next to your name. It was a small fee to do it but you could have Blue Jay as my name and next to it The Swift so it would read as Blue Jay The Swift. It's a title you could apply to yourself but it wouldn't be part of the actual username. Let me give you a better example then above.

Say I sign on with Blue Jay but someone creates a BlueJay or a BluJay or BluJay follow me. Our names are very similar despite being spelled differently. A lot of people could say something to them but meant it to me not knowing that they are someone else if they are new to the site. However if I had say Blue Jay The BSB Fan or Blue Jay The Cookie Giver next to my name then everyone would know Oh your that one. Right now I'm the only Blue Jay so it doesn't matter but in time multiple sounding names could crop up or those who have numbers in their names as well.

It might make things a lot less confusing for people with regular users since with Staff you have Titles under your names. We know who you are just by that but for regular users how do you know. Plus it would keep people from being able to impersonate staff. Like if someone created an account with the name Lyme then said they were Lime. If Lime had Lime The Admin as hers or Lime The Ruler then nobody could impersonate her.

I'm not sure if that explains it that well. *looks down at the ground scuffing his feet.*
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