murmurlade wrote:Tipping posts! 99% of the time I don't really have anything to reply and end the conversation, a tip usually does the trick. It could possibly be made more windlyn-esque.. like.. maybe pats on the back or something.. I have no idea....
We have a donation button on every post profile (the little mini profile that shows you which user said something in the forums)! You can tip the user by clicking it and adding however many feathers you want.
murmurlade wrote:Catalog.. sorry ;w; )b I know there's already a wiki and it's amazing, but an item catalog in the actual site would be the absolute best thing ever.
Galled already explained part of it, but there's a ton of other reasons this is getting put off. Adding an item catalog that holds all the items is extra work because I have to go through and add every item to it-- or hide the items that are secrets for the time being. There are also items that exist (like my hair and face) that normal users cannot get.
Ryvvi's been awesome and started putting up items (with information on the events they came from) on the wikia. It's a big job, there's a lot of items here. But the wikia is public to edit. If anyone wants to help out and get that filled out, we can get it done and keep it up to date faster.
Thanks for the suggestions~