Real Name: Samantha (Sammie) Calico
Age: 19
Personality: Sammie always tries to be the cool, indifferent, almost cold blooded individual she thinks she should be. However, despite any hopes and desires she has, she lives in fear of something new every day and has trouble keeping her act together. Once a little girl filled with hatred, Sammie is a young adult with low social skills and difficulty controlling mood swings. Even though she thinks she's pretty hip and edgy, she couldn't be more average-- height, weight, haircut, intelligence, occupational goals or lack thereof...
Background: Samantha has never been one to play with others. She was always the one being toyed with. She was always bullied as a child for being weak and fearful. One day, she attended a school assembly where a motivational speaker talked about living life to the fullest. Something clicked in Sammie's head that day.... Or should it be said, snapped. From then on, she took it on herself to try to be as average as possible. Make as little friends, as little baggage as she could. After she exited elementary school, Sammie's family left the town she grew up in. She isn't really sure what happened, but she firmly believes she can set curses on others. As she left she stood up, completely fed up, and wished her main tormentor would live in fear of others like him. When he went for one last shove out of the lunch line, something changed. All Sammie knew was she wasn't afraid anymore. Not of him, anyways.
Daily Life: Sammie is a second year psychology major at Mahtog University, and lives in the small dorm-like apartments just outside the Educational District. She interns as a secretary at a local inventor's start-up. Even super villains need to make money... right?
Title: Scaredy Cat
Alignment: Villain
Power’s name: Fauxbia
Power Description: When Sammie touches another person, regardless of her (or their) intent, their fears swap hosts. They may realize the exchange right away, they may not find it for weeks or months to come. Sammie will always dream of being big and bad, worse than the bullies who used to torment her. However, due to the nature of her power, and the limited physical strength in her possession, there isn't much she could do to anyone. Even if she knew she had a particular phobia, if she were to set up a trap she'd have to deal with the fear herself beforehand.
Super Symbol:
Theme Song: Welcome to my lifeExtra: Posting Colors: Super Bad or
Fairly Normal?