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Super Useless - A Super Hero RP Profiles

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Super Useless - A Super Hero RP Profiles

Postby Waffles » Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:02 pm

Hello, friend! Thanks for stopping by!

Here lay the full profiles for the super hero RP "Super Useless."

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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:20 pm

Re: Super Useless - A Super Hero RP Profiles

Postby Waffles » Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:57 pm
Real Name: Samantha (Sammie) Calico
Age: 19
Personality: Sammie always tries to be the cool, indifferent, almost cold blooded individual she thinks she should be. However, despite any hopes and desires she has, she lives in fear of something new every day and has trouble keeping her act together. Once a little girl filled with hatred, Sammie is a young adult with low social skills and difficulty controlling mood swings. Even though she thinks she's pretty hip and edgy, she couldn't be more average-- height, weight, haircut, intelligence, occupational goals or lack thereof...
Background: Samantha has never been one to play with others. She was always the one being toyed with. She was always bullied as a child for being weak and fearful. One day, she attended a school assembly where a motivational speaker talked about living life to the fullest. Something clicked in Sammie's head that day.... Or should it be said, snapped. From then on, she took it on herself to try to be as average as possible. Make as little friends, as little baggage as she could. After she exited elementary school, Sammie's family left the town she grew up in. She isn't really sure what happened, but she firmly believes she can set curses on others. As she left she stood up, completely fed up, and wished her main tormentor would live in fear of others like him. When he went for one last shove out of the lunch line, something changed. All Sammie knew was she wasn't afraid anymore. Not of him, anyways.
Daily Life: Sammie is a second year psychology major at Mahtog University, and lives in the small dorm-like apartments just outside the Educational District. She interns as a secretary at a local inventor's start-up. Even super villains need to make money... right?
Title: Scaredy Cat
Alignment: Villain
Power’s name: Fauxbia
Power Description: When Sammie touches another person, regardless of her (or their) intent, their fears swap hosts. They may realize the exchange right away, they may not find it for weeks or months to come. Sammie will always dream of being big and bad, worse than the bullies who used to torment her. However, due to the nature of her power, and the limited physical strength in her possession, there isn't much she could do to anyone. Even if she knew she had a particular phobia, if she were to set up a trap she'd have to deal with the fear herself beforehand.
Super Symbol: Image
Theme Song: Welcome to my life

Posting Colors: Super Bad or Fairly Normal?
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:20 pm

Re: Super Useless - A Super Hero RP Profiles

Postby Ophelia » Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:09 pm
Real Name: Ebony Raven Way
Age: 23
Personality: Ebony is a very clingy person. She pretends to be cool and collected and gets a kick out of people being intimidated by her. She isn't very good at acting calm and tend to squeal for the excitement of even small things, she doesn't seem to notice how annoying she is. She tends to react in a positive manner when hot topic or any other "Gothic" aspects are mentioned. She also tends to elaborate greatly on her hatred of preppy things and the color pink, which is secretly her favorite color. In some of her spare time, when no one else is around, she enjoys reading fanfiction of all kinds and writing her own about her villainous deeds projected onto her favorite anime characters. She'd never let anyone know about it because she feels it would ruin her edgy reputation or give away her secret identity.
Background: She had a pretty happy childhood growing up, no real reasons to rebel against society besides her constant need for attention and to be edgy. She thinks if she became a super villain, people would think she was cooler. In her earlier years, she had an obsession Harry Potter. She would write fanfictions about it with her friend Willow, one day her and Willow got into a fight over which one of them Draco would choose to date, this split Ebony away from her best friend for years, leading her into her gothic phase. She felt that if she became more edgy, Willow would want to be friends with her again, and finally agree that Draco belonged with her.
Daily Life: Ebony is currently a senior history major at Mahtog University. She lives in a small dorm on the edge of the campus and is with Sammie Calico's roommate. She earns her living by moderating a fanfiction forum base as well as selling her fanfictions on Kindle worlds.
Title: Mourning Glory
Alignment: Villain
Power’s name: Demensia
Power Description: Ebony's ability allows her to see an outcome in the future, the catch being that it is always what won't happen. For example, she may see someone walking carefully down the stairs, but the reality may be they fall or take an elevator.
Super Symbol: Image
Theme Song: Secrets

Posting Colors: Mourning Glory or Ebony Raven Way
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:20 pm

Re: Super Useless - A Super Hero RP Profiles

Postby Kawaii-Desu-Chan » Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:07 pm
Real Name: Alb Ween Gel
Age: 20
Personality: Alb very social and talk to many people. They always laugh at his sick references and dank memes. His reddit posts always get gilded and get over one thousand upvotes.
Background: Ever since Alb could remember he had always worn a hat. Once he discovered the internet he soon discovered what all the different types of hats were and learned that there are special hats that can give people powers. He studied about these hats and soon found out that there are many that wish to obtain these hats and use them for evil.
Daily Life: Alb works at the harbor loading ships.Middle class. Lives alone in a one room apartment. His family lives six hours away in a different town. He has lost touch with them and has not seen them ever since he left home after high school.

Title: Rad Foe
Alignment: Hero
Power’s name: Ting Pip
Power Description: Can communicate with hats and can also throw his fedora like Oddjob but he always misses.
Super Symbol: Image
Theme Song: The Fedora Song

Extra: Alb also has a katana collection but does not know how to use a katana.
Posting Colors: Rad Foe or Alb Ween Gel
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:20 pm


Re: Super Useless - A Super Hero RP Profiles

Postby Queen » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:44 pm

Appearance Normal: Image
Real Name: Maria
Age: 23
Personality: Very prissy, always expects to get things her way, hasn't ever played with other children, or had any friends. Likes things to go according to her plans, though if things do not go her way she will fume in silence and hold a grudge, thinks it is unseemly to lose her temper in public.
Background: Grew up having every whim attended to by her very wealthy parents, until they were killed in a freak bicycle accident. One day after dealing with the family accountants she was very ill, and began suffering extreme stomach pains. Several hours later she began vomiting gemstones. Rather than deal with doctors poking and prodding at her, she decided to keep her newfound ability a secret. Having grown bored of enjoying her wealth she then decided that it was a sign for her to start being a superhero.
Daily Life: She has no occupation, instead spending her days enjoying her wealth. She lives in a gated community with large plots of land, in the best part of town. all her neighbours are old and have no interest in what she does with her time.
Appearance Super: Image
Title: Geode
Alignment: Hero!
Power’s name: Gemstone reproduction
Power Description: Vomits up gems, though is unable to sell or get rid of them in any way.

Posting Colors: Geode Maria
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Local time: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:20 pm

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