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Seeking Group Roleplays

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Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Aeternum » Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:16 pm

I'm looking for group RPs. I prefer RPs where a paragraph is the minimum. My own writing is anywhere from one paragraph to six or seven.

I do happen to have some concepts that I could see about turning into RPs.

I like fantasy RPs, dystopian RPs, and some sci-fi RPs. I'm not too particular about genres so long as I get inspired and find a setting intriguing.

I'm not particularly interested in romance RPs though I'm willing to give them a go.

An excerpt from a post on a different site:
Bare feet poked out from under a rumpled cream comforter. The owner of said feet was currently burrowing his head under a pillow as the walls vibrated and loose papers buzzed. The fingers clutching the pillows twitched a bit then pulled the pillow tighter.

Finally the music stopped. A young man with tousled brown hair and sleepy eyes popped his head out from under the pillow and let out a sigh of relief. With monumental effort, he heaved himself over onto his back and squirmed around until he was snuggled deep within his blankets.

The young man cracked an eye open. A glance at the digital clock on his bedside table told him it was way the hell too early to be awake. Especially because he'd been up after midnight due to work.

Brian closed his eyes again and furrowed his brows as he began his farseeing, or scrying, whatever people wanted to call it. It didn't take long for a room to appear in his mind. It was similar to his, as far as the walls and dimensions of the room went at least. What was very different was the decoration and furniture. For one thing, there was exercise equipment in this room and a sound system against a wall.

He ran his powers gently over the wires in the speakers. It wouldn't be too hard to end the torment for a week or two. Just a little tug and the speakers would short circuit. It would be so subtle. At least, he hoped so. It was entirely possible he'd still get blamed anyways due to his "history" or some such nonsense.
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:26 am

RP ideas

Postby Aeternum » Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:17 pm

The City of Lights
Deep underground, in the center of a massive cavern, sits a city of carved stone. From a distance one can see that it is separated into four tiers. The rulers of the city live on the first and uppermost tier, the nobles on the second tier, the commoners on the third, and the poverty stricken gutter trash on the fourth. Each tier down grows progressively darker and dingier. Outside the city is where the farms are.

A river cuts across the dimly glowing bioluminescent fields that blanket the ground of the first cavern into the cavern that holds the fisheries and ranches, and from there to the cavern that contains the majority of the farms. A meandering road follows the river to the caverns beyond.

The City of Lights, Meir is a heavily stratified city with a strong class heirarchy. The best stuff goes to the ruling class that live on the first tier. The above average to superior supplies go to the nobles on the second tier. The common stuff from cheap to somewhat above average goes to the commoners on the third tier. And the cheap stuff and whatever's left go to the people on the fourth tier.

Meir works on a premise of meritocracy with no mercy for the disabled, the sick, the weak, or the defeated. The nobles are nobles due to improved genetics as well as above average fitness, health, and intelligence. The ruling class are the cream of the crop. Competition in the City of Meir is fierce among the nobles, as there are only limited spots in the schools, and only the best twenty of an age group can be tutored in the noble's school.

The best and brightest of the nobles have a chance of entering into the school for the ruling class. If they do well enough, they have a chance of entering into the ranks of the ruling class and work in the government, but only after they've passed rigorous examinations and gathered backers.

The victors get everything, the losers get nothing. Those who fail too many times will no longer be considered nobles. Nobles who were never able to enter into the school or show promise in a decade are stripped of their rights to nobility and are demoted to the ranks of the commoners. If commoners or former fallen nobles perform admirably enough in the schools for commoners, it is possible for them to rise up and replace a noble family. To be a noble, one must earn the right to live in the second tier. There are only so many houses in the second tier for nobles, and the upper crust of commoners compete for a chance at nobility.

There are eight grand mansions nearest to the first tier in the residential district of the second tier. These houses are reserved for the cream of the crop. The noble families with the most merits, and the most impressive records get to live in these houses. Of course, the requirements are also more stringent for those who live in these mansions. Failure can be devastating. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, the positions of the top eight families have been mostly stable for the last decade.
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:26 am

Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Aeternum » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:04 pm

Alright, added a single RP idea. Need to work out the kinks of that one and start writing another as well. If anyone's interested, feel free to respond here. At least it would make this thread visible.
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:26 am

Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby NerdyAliCat » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:06 pm

You seem like an amazing roleplayer.
I would be interested but i'm not so great with going over a paragraph in my replies.
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 3:26 pm

Thanks Yorunaka! - Thanks Valentine Strange!

Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Aeternum » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:22 pm

Thank you kindly.

Well, it's a paragraph minimum for a preference, and by a paragraph it's about 3-4 sentences minimum I suppose. And there are always times where one-liners are acceptable, though long dialogue generally is recommended to be done as a collaboration.

So long as there's three or four sentences, you are good, basically.

Less than that is also alright.
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:26 am

Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Kyndreth » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:40 pm

Alright, that's a pretty cool idea.
I'm certainly interested, but you like group RPs, and I like group RPs, and alicat... dunno.

I can do a paragraph minimum for sure. Your post excerpt was interesting.

Aaaaaand, if you can get it to fly, then I'll certainly join in.
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Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Aeternum » Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:25 pm

Thank you.
That is unfortunate.

Do you have a post excerpt? I confess I am a bit curious.

Thank you. If I get some more people, I will certainly let you know.
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:26 am

Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Kyndreth » Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:20 pm

Oh, sure. Let me go find one.
Greg parked his beat up car in front of his favorite cafe. He came here at least once a week. Sometimes he came here with the rest of the band members, but usually he was here alone. Some days he wondered what he was doing in a band. He loved the music, but all he really had was a good voice. There were a lot of great songwriters, and he was nowhere near the best of them. Often times he tried to leave it to the others when he just wasn't feeling any inspiration. They didn't seem to mind. He hoped they truly didn't mind. He felt bad enough even when they told him not to worry.

He opened up the familiar doors of the cafe and wasn't surprised to see that someone was already standing there with a menu in front of his favorite booth. The waitress had already put down a glass of water there. This waitress, he recognized from before. She was looking at him expectantly. There was no other open spot, so it couldn't be for anyone but him. He somehow managed to keep himself from doing more than ducking his head in acknowledgement. He felt like bowing and thanking the people here profusely. It made him embarrassed to have someone wait on him. He felt like he should be doing something, rather than letting people carry his food. He reminded himself that they were being paid for this.

But it couldn't hurt to make their job easier.

He sat down in the window booth before she gave him a menu. He liked to try new things, so he didn't really have a usual. He suspected that if he had, they would have begun preparing it the moment they spotted his car. The people here seemed like friendly people, helpful people. It made him feel uncomfortable in some strange sort of way.

Also, thanks! I look forward to RP-ing with you eventually!
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:26 am

Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Aeternum » Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:08 pm

Ah, I also look forward to roleplaying with you in the future.
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Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby FallenTrinity » Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:41 pm

I'm in
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:26 am

Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Aeternum » Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:43 pm

So you're interested in my City of Lights RP idea?
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Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby FallenTrinity » Tue Mar 14, 2017 8:25 pm

yup yup
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:26 am

Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby murmurlade » Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:10 pm

interest check! but id love to see people actually rping first so i can pick up some stuff for my own :^)
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Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby Kyndreth » Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:24 am

Yup, need to see the detailed stuff before I break my brain creating a character XD
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Re: Seeking Group Roleplays

Postby NerdyAliCat » Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:01 am

Same here
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Local time: Wed Jun 26, 2024 3:26 pm


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