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Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Moderator: Sanchicho

Re: Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Postby Silly Tiny Frog » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:26 am


Are you still interested in RPing? I'm so sorry for disappearing for half a year like that. A lot of stuff has happened if it's any excuse!
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Re: Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Postby yorunaka » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:05 pm

That letter RP sounds interesting (would prefer e-mails and texts personally) but I'm a poor RPer and I have barely done any literary RPs. I mostly did stuff via Skype and Google docs ---- where everything is short.
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Local time: Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:33 am

Re: Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Postby Silly Tiny Frog » Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:15 am

The change to texts and emails is perfectly fine. Do you have any wishes about what kind of story it should be?

Also, don't worry about being a poor RPer. People RP differently and as long as you're having fun it's all good. I've never been stellar myself.
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Local time: Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:33 pm

Re: Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Postby yorunaka » Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:01 am

I was pondering about this earlier and was thinking along the lines of gamer friends, perhaps (pretty much two people playing the same MMO a lot together)? Not sure if you want them to have some connection outside the internet though I sort of inferred from your initial post that this is a long distance means of communication.

It'll probably be a more of a mix between Skype and e-mail, and in-game messages though (instead of texts)

Do let me know if the scenario is okay for you or if you're looking for something else. I pretty much just like anything more slice of life than anything since fantasy is sort of over my head (world building can get pretty complex).
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Re: Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Postby Silly Tiny Frog » Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:30 am

That sounds like a lot of fun. To be honest, I wish I had more real life long-distance gamer friends!

If it's okay I'd like the game they're playing to be more or less fictional. I haven't played much MMOs so getting a grip of it as an element asks a bit of leeway.

I was thinking there should also be room for describing the actions and life the gamer friend doesn't see, like what they do in their real life while not online. It'd be interesting to play with the what's true and what they reveal about their lives and also maybe cultural differences?
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Re: Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Postby yorunaka » Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:05 am

I'm glad you like the idea!

I've played a bit in the past - not anymore now. But I still do play some RPGs every now and then and they're all pretty similar so I think we should be fine if we work together?

And yeah. I think that's where the e-mail fits? They can probably talk most of their real life stuff via e-mail, with bits bleeding through the chat if there's something serious. Likewise, while they mainly just coordinate attacks and whatnot in the in-game chat, I think that they can talk about minute game details via e-mail if there's a big event or something.

The challenge would probably be coordinating the e-mails and messages and whatnot ;;

As for cultural differences, I'm not really sure how to express that? I guess we can just do our thing and it might just show up eventually. Unfortunately, I don't have a good handle with other cultures apart from my own but we're already pretty Westernized here in the Philippines?
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Re: Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Postby NerdyAliCat » Wed Sep 20, 2017 8:15 pm

I'd be interested in joining!
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Local time: Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:33 am

Thanks Yorunaka! - Thanks Valentine Strange!

Re: Hopping to RP (1x1 or small group)

Postby Cloudy » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:36 pm

Yo @ "Silly Tiny Frog"

Sorry for this late reply >.<
I ended up taking a hiatus too lol

And yes! I'm still up for an RP if you are! I've also got some group RP's in the works if you'd like to join those, though they really are still /in the works/
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