Hey everyone!
So I've been thinking about this for a while and just now found the courage to actually do it. As the Thread Title says, anyone up for a Fantasy RP? I've been meaning to practice my writing a bit, and writing poems and prose for school assignments have gotten a bit redundant (as much as I love writing prose). For now, I'd just like to know if anyone's interested. Then, if there are enough people, we can start the planning and making of the RP
This will be a public RP, where anyone is free to join! All I ask is that:
1) Please be respectful of everyone's characters
2) Minimum of one paragraph (or at least 4 sentences, dialogue included) when you reply
3) Use proper grammar and punctuation (it doesn't have to be English teacher/professor-like grammar, but at least avoid the cliche *swims through the cavern river* stuff)
4) Don't decide what will happen to another character (e.g. I make my way unto the river bed, but then a lightning bolt strikes down and kills Flora (another user's character))
I have yet to finish my description and ideas for the world/realm/kingdom the Fantasy RP will take place, as well as a general plot that people can choose to follow. This RP can go anywhere really, and I'd like to see how things will go. I'll edit this later and post a full description, but what I'm thinking of right now is:
-simple fantasy RP where everyone is a wizard, princess, warlock etc. and we all cross paths
-a problem arises and it's up to us to stop it (plus an anonymous poll on whether we succeed or this ends in tragedy)
-the RP could have an end to it, or it can just keep on going (again, poll to decide)
-will have, but isn't limited to:
-2 neighboring, amicable kingdoms, each w/ a ruler + head mage/wizard (it is a fantasy RP after all)
-"The Freelands" where bandits, nomadic tribes, and others not aligned with a kingdom roam
-Princes, Princesses, Knights, Peasantry, Villains, and all that junk
Anyone and everyone who's interested in RPing here, I ask that you provide a name, physical description & brief explanation of your character's backstory and/or personality. If you want to, you could also use these sites to post an image of what you want your character to look like:
Selfy Laboratory and Item Searcher <-- Tutorials for these websites can be found HERE
Character Description Guide:
-Gender: (optional/prefer not to say)
-Age: (optional)
-Hair Color:
-Eye Color:
-Other Physical characteristics: (outfit, birthmarks, scars, etc.)
-Brief Backstory:
-Current Occupation: (mage, wizard, warlock, princess, etc.)
-Race: (human, elf, magically-inclined creature, etc.)
-Personality: (optional)
-Moral Compass: (how would you describe them? evil, not evil, anti-hero, chaotic good, etc.)