I am back again, although 3 years ago i was back i really didn't post because my people phobia was acting up at the time so i just said hi and left. Before that i was here when the site was very new, 50 members or so but at that time i left because one of the forum mods at the time was unpleasant to interact with.
Hopefully i will stay around for a bit this time.
Hello everyone! Is there anyone left that remembers me?
In any case, i like cooking, baking, computer games and roleplaying. I like most creative endeavors and is usually busy failing at life.
People can call my Myst, Mist or Monorea. The last one is a nickname i use nowadays as my main one but since you can't change your name here (i think) it is best just to use whatever you want.
I am 30, time truly is a terrible thing
Lots of the old avatar sites seems to have died back in 2020 during my hiatus from avatar sites with no announcements and broken features. Does anyone have any idea of other avatar sites that are new/working properly? Gaia is just a bother with its deals and i hate being reminded of money. Voltra seems to be working but i had some problems there so i am hesitating about going back (i did also get rid of all my items and currency over there) and pet sites and other sites that have too many daily quests and activities just stresses me out.
Moving on
I also read a lot of manga, manhua, manhwa or whatever version it is. People are so specific about that since the general tendencies between different countries vary a lot. Personally i just am a heathen and doesn't care.
I also had a period on gaia where i wrote poems and shared recipes for cooking and baking.
Nice to be back, i hope to enjoy my time with all of you