Well I was kinda sad when I found out Syndrone was down for maintenance right when I wanted to return to it. ;;u;; But then I found this and so far I love it.
Yes but the admin in charge has killed off other avatar sites in the same way...by shutting them down, saying they'll come back and then when they do, they're not "active enough" and they get shut down completely....Elidiun was the last one he killed off...
Wtf? That's... really... woah I have no words. Well after all the money blah blah drama we thought the site would go down, but it hasn't completely (yet) so I'm hoping this hiatus won't cause it to shut down. ;;
Yea...it's why most people have very little hope that it will A) come back at all or B) come back and STAY back...
but I guess we'll see what happens. They've been doing a few updates on the FB page but again...I'm so not holding my breath that it will work like they say it will