Appreciate the warm welcome, thank you Lunalovegood, Nek0Nerd0, Akuyi, Lemon Cheesecake, Galled and Gingerale.
I dont have any questions that are not existential in nature, so wont bother you all with those
Wont be "grinding" for outfits, I like to just relax and take things as they come, could afford most things I desired for my avatar with only 60 feathers hehe.
As far as home isolating, yes mostly, bought a supply of canned beans, spaghetti and bottled water back in late January, have not needed to dig in as the lockdown was put in effect early here and shops have stayed open and well stocked, eventually I will be digging into it before it spoils thou, which would be great come summer since I need a whole bunch of money to fix up my car and.. I am doing that tangent thing arent I?...
Working from home, yes, lets call it that, I am unemployed but on benefits for life, so my "job" is to do whatever I feel like, the isolation across the globe have resulted in me only having a single "day off", as the demand for GMs in online Roleplaying games have skyrocketed so there is alot of prep-work to be done.
Which brings me on to the "essential" part I definately wasnt, but I sure feel like one now that everyone needs more Dungeons and Dragons in their lives
Yes Devils advocate, that is what its usually called, althou the connotation that infers is more accurate of my behavior in my teens, althou I might have been more akin to a devil on the shoulder than the traditional advocate picture invoked by that notion.
While being edgy and causing mayhem was an objective of its own in my youth, that part have luckily matured alot with age, and while the "wrong side" of an argument still intrigues me, I dont pretend to actually hold the views I present in those situations anymore.
I would be lying if I said I dont enjoy the hateful glares of my peers in real-life, but its all part of the role you gotta play if you are a jester at heart, I do it for the ones who are in on the joke, usually myself and a few friends at most in public.
Online use of an obscure reference that seems obscene to the un-initiated is much easier as the concentration of popculture nerds are much higher, and thus there is always atleast one or two that can let others in on the joke in the comments or what have you.
Hence it is pointless to be "edgy" online because it will either have no bite, or be straight try-hard, both of which lack in style imho.
oh almost forgot the obligatory old BB pre-meme style one liner that should end one of these posts.