so i used to be a pretty avid user on gaia and recently decided to check back in as well as search for alternatives. sites like these make me feel v nostalgic, but so many of my favorite ones have died or changed. windlyn looked fairly cute though so here i am to give it a try!
so, yes, hello! my name is jenna and i'm from california. common nicknames i go by are jen, pup, and pupper. i can be a tad timid, but i love people and really enjoy chill chats. my hobbies include art and music, and some things i'm really into are space stuff & astronomy, pokémon, classic disney, fall weather, and halloween!
my current favorite game is breath of the wild, but i also play animal crossing, monster hunter world, no man's sky, and stardew valley.
i also find a lot of enjoyment in learning geography, getting to know more abt other cultures, and meeting people from other countries. but don't let that fool you! i don't know much, i just find it exciting. ; v;
so yep i think that abt sums me up, i look forward to meeting everyone.