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Space talk: Planets line up 6/3/24

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Re: SPACE...and other amazing topics

Postby galled » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:47 pm

Unless you're way south of the equator, you should be able to see it.

Here's info:
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Re: SPACE...and other amazing topics

Postby Juneberry » Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:16 pm

My reasoning of it being difficult is more the light in my neighborhood and such xD
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Re: SPACE...and other amazing topics

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:24 pm

Thank you so much for sharing the link Galled!

So far it is staying clear so I am hoping the wind doesn't bring any clouds in by dark and then I can see if I can catch (see) any of the "falling stars".

You must live in the city then Juneberry. Amazing how much interference city lights produce. I had a friend that went out into the middle of no where (well, outside of the city) to take pictures of the night sky and when I looked at the photos I could not believe that there are that many stars in the sky. The camera caught way more then what I normally see by just looking with my eyes (or even the telescope or binoculars!).
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Re: SPACE...and other amazing topics

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:02 pm

So.... I went out to look at the night sky last night and I got to see a total of : 1 falling star! Well, at least I got to see one before the clouds blew in. Tonight I will go out there earlier! (Although the wind is picking up again like yesterday). but the news said there would be about 100 an hour...!

So...I went out and the sky was clear but I didn't see any meteors...the girl I work with said her friend went out at 2 am the first night and didn't see much and went out around 10 pm the next night and saw a whole bunch of meteors1 But, she does live in a different area so I wonder if that made the difference?

Trying again tonight!
Has anyone seen the meteor shower!?!?
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Re: SPACE...and other amazing topics

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:32 pm

Article: Can you ace this science quiz? Most americans can't:
"More than 3,200 adults took the center's multiple-choice science quiz. Overall, they answered more questions correctly than incorrectly, but very few respondents -- only six percent -- got a perfect score on the 12-question test". ... ence-quiz/

Science Knowledge quiz - how much do you know? Take the quiz and find out!
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Re: SPACE...and other amazing topics (how much do you know?)

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:43 pm

want to become an astroid hunter for NASA? Check out the article and link for the App below below: ... -for-nasa/

"Protecting the Earth from the threat of asteroid impacts means first knowing where they are."

That's the opening statement on the site where you can download NASA's new computer app that turns astronomy enthusiasts into citizen scientists on the hunt for the next flying space rock likely to smash into our planet.

The app, announced Sunday at the South by Southwest music and tech festival in Austin, Texas, works on the back on an algorithm developed as part of NASA's Asteroid Grand Challenge competition, launched at last year's festival. The algorithm takes images of space and homes in on spots that are likely to be asteroids.

Count down to the supermoon lunar eclipse on September 27, 2015 - not another for 18 years! ... eeing-red/

A supermoon lunar eclipse is a rare event that has only happened five times since 1900, most recently in 1982. After this month, it won't happen again until 2033.

The supermoon lunar eclipse will be visible throughout North and South America the night of September 27, NASA said, while those in Europe and Africa can see it in the early morning hours of September 28. Unlike a solar eclipse, which is dangerous to look at with the naked eye, experts say it's perfectly safe to watch a lunar eclipse.
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby Balcan » Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:24 am

On a space-relating topic, what do you think about the theory of colonizing other planets when Earth is no longer habitable?

I think it's very impractical given that it would take so long to arrive at other planets not to mention it would be expensive to move that many people and supplies needed to make that work. It took us THIS LONG to get Earth to where it is today.
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:16 am

Have you seen that Japan is working on building an elevator to the moon?

Unfortunately I think humans are like a termite infestation. I don't know if we have any cultural group that could live without destroying the new planet eventually - live like the Amish maybe?
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby Balcan » Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:52 am

I've heard about the moon elevator but I didn't think it was serious. I'd hate to get stuck on that.

Pornhub is also trying to fund the first porno made in space.
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby galled » Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:51 pm

Lemon Cheesecake The space elevator won't reach the moon (it can't--it requires a geostationary orbit and the moon moves in relation to the earth). Still, it's very cool and will decrease the cost of getting stuff into space by several orders of magnitude.

Balcan that's funny. I got your association to things that advance space travel! Anyway, I think that's more of a footnote in history thing than anything really groundbreaking. (Perhaps a new low in marketing?) For example, look at the movie GRAVITY and other space movies--the camera doesn't care if there's gravity or not, so I don't know what else there is to gain from a screen perspective.

It has been said that porn has driven many technologies. I don't know if it's true and while it's a sad commentary on humans, if it helps us get to Mars and beyond faster, I say Warp 13! ;)
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby Balcan » Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:20 pm

When you think about it, sex in space seems difficult. Like if there's no gravity, how do you get a good hold of your partner? How would you stay hard if there's no gravity to bring blood to your schwanz? And where does the ejaculate go? Would it just float around there?

I'm probably overthinking this.
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:18 pm

Ah, thank you for the info Galled... an elevator into space then but to the moon sounds better! I will try to find a link to explain what they are actually doing.

Well, Balcan, I guess you will have to ask the astronauts, way overthinking for me, although someone probably has figured it out. Not my priority when it comes to being in space.
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:55 pm

Three more days until the super moon lunar eclipse! Where will you be? Will you be watching for it?
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby Maro » Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:54 am

I'm tempted to try and watch it to be honest tomorrow night!
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Re: SPACE...want to be an astroid hunter? Supermoon coming 9

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:46 am

I'm hoping it won't be cloudy, I'd be so disappointed. Last night it was getting cloudy. And I'm hoping the hills don't block the moon rise.
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