The “You shouldn’t joke about that” topic is a very serious issue; people make jokes about things that they don’t seem to understand; usually about sensitive topics. These jokes can offend quite a few people; both because of who the person is, and because of what their experiences are. Factors such as gender, race, sexual orientation and traumatic experiences.
There are two ways these jokes could be presented: accusatory, and derogatory. Accusatory jokes are generally the kind you hear about specific people. Such as jokes about how Bill Cosby raped people, or Rachel Dolezol being “black”. This sort of joke is usually condemning the wrongful action, but it could still be taken the wrong way. Derogatory jokes, however, are usually used just for the shock factor. In some cases they’re used just to see how many people you can offend at once. People will use slurs and stereotyping at an attempt to be humorous.
What the people making these jokes don’t consider, is who might hear them. If you’re posting it online publically, EVERYONE has access to that information. Imagine you’re a recovering rape victim, and you see a post saying that so and so “should be raped” for something or
this. Or what about if you’re a victim of physical abuse, and you see
this. Do you think that’s going to sit well with you? You’ve just gone through a lot, and you see people posting things like this as if it’s funny? Is your traumatic experience funny to them?
Then there are the people who stay quiet; not everyone offended by things is going to outright SAY they’re offended. People will sit through things they hate hearing, even laugh or join in, because they believe if they said anything they’ll be ostracized. Some people go all day hearing about how their experiences or they themselves are to be joked about; then get home only to let all of that self-hatred settle. If they do finally crack and get angry; what do you think is going to happen to them if they’re told they “have no right to be angry”? Do you think they’ll calm down and agree with you because they “have no right to be angry”?
In my PERSONAL opinion, I believe that other people’s mental stability and comfort does not outweigh my freedom of speech to tell offensive jokes; so I don’t make those jokes. I’m not going to stop you from joking about these things, I’m not even going to tell you that you SHOULDN’T joke about these things. That’s all up to you.