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Postby Mousy » Sat Nov 19, 2016 4:25 pm

Whenever someone around me had laryngitis, it was always one of my singer/actor friends. You know, the dramatic people. So, I thought laryngitis was just a fancy word for dramatic people with a sore throat. In my head, I was always like ooooh I'm so sorry *eye roll* as I listened to them whisper about how they're saving their voices.

Well, it turns out, laryngitis is a real thing. Haha!! I've had sore throats before, i've had a squeaky, squawky voice before too. BUT this is not that. My throat has been hurting for about a week and now that my throat doesn't hurt at all anymore, it's gone. G-O-N-E gone. I can try as hard as I can to speak and nothing but a whisper comes out and sometimes less than a whisper.

Any tips or tricks?

Fun Fact: If you go up and whisper to someone, they will almost always answer back in a whisper without even realizing it. :cheer:
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Re: Laryngitis

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Nov 19, 2016 5:54 pm

lol, you need to rest the larynx. Good thing you are off for Thanksgiving holiday, you must have to be creative communicating with the students!

Did you try the regular "go-to's", like gargle with warm salt water? drink warm lemon and honey? (lemon clears the phlem and honey is a natural antibiotic).

Did you try taking allergy pills, like Claritin or allegra, regularly ( and I do not mean benadryl!). Sometimes it isn't just inflammed sometimes you have a continual dripping irritating it. Did you have a high fever with the sore throat? Did you get a strept test on your throat?

Is the baby sick at all?
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Re: Laryngitis

Postby Mousy » Sat Nov 19, 2016 8:21 pm

Yes! I am so thankful for a week off! My throat was a little scratchy and sore yesterday, but I could still talk and raise my voice if needed to get their attention. It got worse in the evening, so i went ahead and went to the doc. I made SURE to get a strep test because of the baby. It came back negative and I haven't had a fever at all. In fact I was at 96.6 Thursday night- I normally run 97 though. :D I take zyrtec everyday so it's not allergies. The doc said I had an Upper Respiratory Infection (the common cold) and Laryngitis. My baby is the ONLY reason I even went to a doctor. Glad it's nothing serious. He's fine and crawling. Haha
Strep and the flu have both been going around the school. x_x

I didn't know that about Lemon and it's a good thing I love honey. XD I've just been trying to drink warm tea and take some stuff to reduce inflammation.
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Re: Laryngitis

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Nov 19, 2016 8:48 pm

I can't take Zyrtec - about 2 hours after I've taken it I feel like I can't keep my eyes open and if I go to lay down I can't sleep because my head spins like I'm loopy

Hmmm, I forgot, Strep comes with a fever. Has it been very windy there? I notice when it is windy here my voice kind of goes.
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