Whenever someone around me had laryngitis, it was always one of my singer/actor friends. You know, the dramatic people. So, I thought laryngitis was just a fancy word for dramatic people with a sore throat. In my head, I was always like ooooh I'm so sorry *eye roll* as I listened to them whisper about how they're saving their voices.
Well, it turns out, laryngitis is a real thing. Haha!! I've had sore throats before, i've had a squeaky, squawky voice before too. BUT this is not that. My throat has been hurting for about a week and now that my throat doesn't hurt at all anymore, it's gone. G-O-N-E gone. I can try as hard as I can to speak and nothing but a whisper comes out and sometimes less than a whisper.
Any tips or tricks?
Fun Fact: If you go up and whisper to someone, they will almost always answer back in a whisper without even realizing it.