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Can you see all the colors/colours of the rainbow?
I decided to try out some of these tests that check for color blindness. You can check them out and see how you do too if you like and/or comment on what works for you if you do have the problem.
"The most widely used screening test for color blindness is the Ishihara Color Vision Test. The test is named after Japanese ophthalmologist Shinobu Ishihara (1879-1963), who devised the procedure and first published a description of it in 1917."
I have normal color vision! I was only unsure about one. Though I was already pretty sure I didn't have a type of color blindness. I just wanted to take the test for fun.
I used the first link, and I found that I have normal color vision. I'm relieved because I thought some of the numbers blended well with their backgrounds.
If I look further away from the screen I can read the numbers better but the "5" on the first one could very well be a "6'" to me or even a "3" and the "2" on the left is not clear.
Currently seeking event items Minecraft guild Owner of many titles Creator of many forum games The Fairy Garden is my main place, but you'll also find me in other hangouts Lastly, much love to everyone, and remember; Positive Mental Attitude! Keep being awesome
I was looking at the color tests above and realized I had to look with both of my eyes to see the numbers. If I tried looking with only one eye I could not see the second number of the double digit numbers very well... I wonder what that means?
Windlyn is so fun, Windlyn is so grand, So come on everyone, All across the land, Come and join us now, In this awesome site, We will show you how, Talking through the night. ~npixelz