Retail is literally, mentally destroying me to little bits.
I do freelance illustration jobs on the side, which I used to finish a piece within 2 weeks.
I can't even bring myself to pick up one that only has maybe two hours work left on it, if even that long. I get so overwhelmed with stress or depression from my job and the daily abuse there that I feel too miserable to draw.
It's kinda awful
So I am pretty much debating on quitting my job, since I can't make a living off it anyways, there's no room for promotions or anything there and January hour cuts make sure I can never afford bills to move out. >->
I can't drive and other jobs are actually worse off, since I already tried working elsewhere.
I can't afford anything with just my illustrations though, I don't get many orders these days. But I wonder if there is something else I can do