Sorry life's been throwing you curves.
Well, glad you didn't give up on Windlyn and are back checking in. IMHO, all sites are people driven unless they're pure advertising, and just like any group of people whether companies or volunteer groups are molded (probably not the right word) driven from the top down. That's a huge reason why I'm grateful for what Diana has created here and continues to drive and maintain.
I've been seeing news stories about teacher strikes. I didn't know there were others outside of Kentucky. I respect teachers and the jobs they do greatly, but I'm starting to think that they should have some rules in place like Air Traffic Controllers where they're not allowed to strike because their jobs are so important. They're able to force negotiations even though they cannot strike. Somehow I think there might be some opportunities to learn from what they've got in place.
I hope things sort out quickly and you can get back to your regularly scheduled programs!
Thanks for letting us know how you're doing.