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The Fairy Garden (1)

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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby galled » Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:00 am

She's watching out for you. She loves you. It's a good thing to be able to talk about anything and everything with those you love and love you back. Count your blessings because not having that is tragic.
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Talking through the night.

Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby npixelz » Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:26 am

Yeah, I know
Her reaction was better than I expected tbh
I just would like it if she didn't say online and irl relationships aren't the same
Love is love
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Currently seeking event items
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Owner of many titles
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The Fairy Garden is my main place, but you'll also find me in other hangouts
Lastly, much love to everyone, and remember; Positive Mental Attitude!
Keep being awesome
:L_Wing: :heart: :R_Wing:

Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:22 am

Well... they aren't really the same because seeing a person everyday & dealing with day to day issues which can cause disagreements does challenge a relationship.

While getting to know someone by correspondence or just talking without being present, can enhance a relationship because it allows the opportunity to share from a distance which in turn can make a person feel more open in sharing the truth, is a benefit, the reality is, you can walk away or not respond in uncomfortable circumstances from a distance while face to face not as easy. Think about your little disagreement you had with your Sister recently.
"Love" takes on a whole other dimension called reality when you see, live, with the person... which if you can work through issues can deepen the relationship but can make it difficult until you do.
Taking on the responsibility of raising an older child is not easy on a relationship either, especially as the child doesn't often want to recognize the authority of the new parent. It doesn't mean it won't or can't work out but it adds its own issues.

But I am all for getting to know people from a distance first rather than rush into a long term commitment.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 3:07 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby npixelz » Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:36 am

I suppose that makes sense

Though one thing, my gf said she doesn't expect me to help raise her son

But anywho, I'm hoping to tell my dad as well, if my mom hasn't already
Fingers crossed he takes it well

In other news, my family and I were going to go to Niagara Falls for my bday, but my sister can't take it off, so that will be postponed
As a way of replacement, my mom and I will be watching Inside Out 2 in theaters
My mom was worried I'd be mad, actually. She sat down last night and said she had something to tell me, and to please not be mad. I didn't know what to expect, but she told me my sister got a memo or something from work, that meant she couldn't take it off, and I was relieved that was all. I told my mom "oh that's fine, not her fault" and my mom asked if I was sure, so i told her that, while it WAS a little disappointing, I wasn't mad, and that we could go another time. So all's well that ends well
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Mon Jun 03, 2024 8:48 am

A mature response Npix, some things can't be helped, of course it is disappointing when plans get changed but it sounds like your Mom is trying to make your birthday special.

If you are going to get married then you do have to consider any children in a relationship & you should expect to help raise them and support them financially.
If you are just dating, then no, you can be a positive influence but are not expected to raise the children nor support them financially.
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby galled » Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:48 pm

That's good that you have the option re: your gf's kid--as it should be.

I think dad loves you too and looks at it like your mom. It'll be fine.

That's the way, Pix!
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby npixelz » Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:21 am

True, but at least I'm not expected to at the moment

I didn't get a chance yesterday as there wasn't any time alone with him except when he wanted to take a nap, and I wasn't about to disturb his sleep, since he is a hard worker and needs his rest when he can get it, plus his hip was bothering him

In other other news I'm hoping to change my shifts back to Wednesday Thursday instead of Sunday Thursday, so I can have a reasonable sleep schedule and be able to work better. I've texted my manager asking him to talk to the guy who does the schedules. I was hoping to do Monday Tuesday, Tuesday Wednesday, or Thursday Friday, so I could work on days with my friend from work (he doesn't work Wednesday Thursday) but we decided to ask for Wednesday Thursday since that was my previous schedule, and the schedule guy doesn't like to change the schedule at all, so he's more likely to switch it to a previous one than a new one
But that means I won't be able to see my friend often, and then he's going to the armed forces which of course makes me worried for his safety
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:51 pm

working consecutive days probably will help your sleep /awake cycle ... good you recognized it.

I am sure your friend will appreciate "care packages from you ... or group ones from the other coworkers if they get shipped overseas...or even if they are in boot camp!
See if your post office in Canada gives a discount for packages sent to military addresses.
In the US the large flat rate boxes receive a couple dollar discount if addressed to an APO or AFO address. (It gets shipped to a base & then they forward it on to where the person is stationed).
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby npixelz » Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:26 am

I never thought of that!

I'm feeling a bit better about it after talking to my therapist, but it's still a worry

I know he has his heart set on it, so even though I worry, I won't try to talk him out of it or anything
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:05 pm

He may not be shipped anywhere dangerous & depending what he is going in for he could have college paid for.

But it is still a scary thought when people we care about are in dangerous jobs.
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby npixelz » Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:52 am

Well he says he'll be disarming mines, which means it doesn't matter where he's deployed, he's at risk of blowing up

But I'm sure his training will prepare him to not be at much risk, or at least I hope
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby galled » Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:29 am

Canadian armed forces?
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby npixelz » Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:50 am


In other news I had to go home early from work due to headache, fatigue, and dizziness whenever I stood up
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby galled » Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:21 am

Ruh-Roh, I hope you're not getting sick. Rest up. Fluids and sleep.
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Re: The Fairy Garden (1)

Postby npixelz » Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:06 am

It might have been dehydration, but I drained my water bottle thrice in as many hours

Anyway tomorrow is my bday!
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