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Banni's making a hangout too

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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:18 pm

I actually don't remember his response, I think he continued to fake-pout until I brought up Josephine... a character that he married in Dragon Age recently and we made a funny thing of it too xDD
Then he was like "... yeeaahhh, you're riiiight"

Ohh I figured it was just in RP :>
I didn't think you two were literally siblings. That's pretty cute though XD
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:33 pm

Haha a few users who were new saw us calling each other brother and sister two months ago and started saying don't you get enough of each other why are you bashing each other on here. I have an older sister irl and Mika has a couple of older brothers irl one that lives with her. So people are like so confused till we explain we arent' relate we just RP as them. XD It's funny though because one day we are all bro and sis to each other and then the next day a few posts down dissing on our irl siblings and people are so lost. XD
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:37 pm

Oh gosh, I could see where that would get confusing XD I'd be mistaking it too!
I used to have two friends that I called brothers all the time, and people got fooled by it too. Sometimes I wouldn't correct them though cause they really did feel like brothers to me.
I still care about them, and vice versa, even though we kinda went different ways and hardly talk anymore
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:51 pm

I had a friend once that I considered my sister but we ended our friendship recently. So many things just went wrong after high school that I kept forgiving her for and I just couldn't take it anymore.
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:53 pm

That's a shame. I've had quite a lot of those situations too
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:21 pm

I knew the girl for 23 years but we weren't always friends. Her best friend as a kid hated my best friend as a kid so naturally we hated each other! Then our two best friends ditched us for other girls they thought were more popular or better friends so we became friends with each other. It worked out fine till high school when we split to different ones. She went to an All girl highschool where she flourished and made friends while I went to a coed school and was the school loner who was bullied. Shocking right that I wasn't super popular in high school with how much I talk on here or am friendly on these things but it's the sad truth. So when we ended up doing group activies it was her friends and none of mine. Her one friend was horrible and so clingy. My friend wasn't allowed to hangout with just me ever.

I thought that was just me being paranoid and reading into things. It wasn't though when my best friend met her fiance the girl started just showing up at my friends house whenever she wanted. She lives far from my best friend where as I live a couple of streets away and never did that. My friends first Valentine's Day with her fiance as a boyfriend the girl just shows up with another girl and demands my friend spend time with her. I had always distrusted the girl but I thought I was being jealous or something you know. I felt like the third wheel all the time but over time the fiance felt just like me. I don't think that it's too rotten of me to want to spend MY birthday with JUST my best friend. It's one day a year and it's so I can vent about things that are bothering me but nope the girl has to show up every single time. Did it to the fiance too and when we told my friend to talk to her she refused to due it.

For my 24th birtday 5 years ago my best friends swore I would be her maid of honor (which was before I came out as trans) because her fiance wanted me. I knew her the longest, I supported the relationship, and I would actually let my friend choose what happens and not take over it like it was my wedding. So for two years ago it's all good and then when my friend actually sets a supposed date the other friend gets angry that she isn't maid of honor. Rather then my friend explaining that I knew her longer and am like a sister to her she tells the girl that either we share it or neither one of us have it. I told my friend to give it to either her cousin or fiance's sister if that was how it would be. So she gave it to another friend and barely kept me in loop about her wedding plans at all. When we finally went for the stupid dresses I took the bridesmaid ones but the other girl didn't like it and went with the Maid of honor dress. My friend didn't tell her no so essentially she was maid of honor anyway.

I tried my hardest to forgive her but then other stuff piled up on me. After awhile I just couldn't take the constant abuse she gave me and ended the friendship.
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:41 am

Sorry I passed out!

Ouch that seems pretty terrible. I mean she probably didn't wanna deal with the stress of people arguing on top of normal wedding stress, but that is still not an excuse to treat people badly. My sister and I got into a big fight before her wedding and she almost banned me from coming. That hurt a big amount cause it was the same time I was going through my other family problems, so it was like, omg you too? I never really got an apology for it but it's whatever. I knew she was acting under stress. She tends to be a REAL jerk to me when she's even a tiny bit stressed, I'm kinda used to it.

But anyway yeah it sounds like she was never taking your feelings into consideration.
My best friend and I had an episode where we split off because she started hanging out with people I didn't like. But I didn't straight up tell her, I tried hinting, but I didn't wanna make her feel bad, but her friends were so terrible. They were using and abusing her kindness, they were turning her down the wrong paths cause they were drughead losers that are in and out of jail constantly and always have woe-is-me problems. My friend never dabbled into drugs, and she insisted that her friend was trying to quit while she was living with her, but she wasn't. I didn't talk to my friend for a couple of years or so. Her whole personality was changing and I couldn't handle it

Then one day she added me on facebook, and started talking to each other. She didn't sound like an idiot anymore, so I visited her. It was as if we were never apart, and even still she rants to me about "WHAT WAS I THINKING THOSE FRIENDS WERE TERRIBLE" and "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING ITS SO EMBARRASSING"

Some things you just gotta learn yourself, dear friend xD

She's the only friend I have outside of the internet now, but we live across the country so can't do many visits </3
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:09 am

Wow that sounds harsh. My friend is still engaged they never married and I never even brought up the whole bridesmaid thing when I stopped being her friend. What I brought up was something that she can't say I was under stress from it and yada yada thing. Four years ago my mom got brain cancer and two and half years ago we lost her to it. :( The summer before my mom passed away she ended up in the hospital and stayed there for a long time. Two weeks before she passed away I thought she might be coming home. I went on a fall cleaning frenzy and cleaned the whole house and it was alot. Halfway during the week my friend called me and asked me what I was going to be doing that Friday and I was like cleaning the house for mom. She went oh ok and then that was it. So Friday rolls around my sister calls me and goes are you in New York? I'm like no I'm home cleaning the house for mom. She goes oh really to me I saw the other girl's Facebook and Tiffany and her are in New York so I thought your in New York too. They are all blabbing about seeing Backstreet Boys on the Good Morning America show and so I know you would be there. Then my aunt comes in saying hey I'm here to help you clean. My sister then really knew I wasn't there and she goes wait you didn't go and did you know about this. I was sobbing and said NO they didn't tell me they were going. They only asked what I was doing today. I tried calling my friend to confirm this but she never picked up. When I finally got a hold of her two days later she goes oh well we thought you would complain about having to stand for so long because of your feet. I was pissed at her rightfully so for the whole week following that and avoided calling her for an entire week until the next Friday.

That Friday after the above happened was right before my mom passed away the doctors told us it was time and she didn't have long left. I called my friend crying hysterical at the hospital and told her what was going on. My friend had the audacity to ask me, "Do You Need Me To Come To The Hospital?" I was like you do what you think is right. After what she did to me the week before I figured she would come you know? Nope never showed up and when she showed up at my house during vigil her reasoning is that her grandmother passed away in that hospital a year before my mom and she just couldn't go in the hospital. Which was bull because she came to see my mom in the hospital before she died. I tried to forgive her for it but I couldn't. When her grandmother died I dropped everything I did and was with her the whole time.

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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:31 am

Wow, I'm really sorry that was all happening at the same time. She sounds so selfish. I mean, I have a really hard time being in hospitals or nursing homes. I can't easily stand in a grave yard either. I get this weird feeling every time. My husband's mother died as well, and when I went to visit his family, he took me to her grave. I get an overwhelming feeling of grief even though I didn't know anyone in that grave yard. It's just how I am I guess. I become really fragile and just wanna cry.

But even though I'm like that, if anything were to happen to my friend and she needed someone to be there for her, I'd drop everything and fly to FL immediately. Cause in the end, that is more important than you're own little quirks. :<
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:43 am

Thanks Banni I put up with her for two years with that weighing on my mind but she just never got better. After awhile I knew that nothing was going to change. She was always more worried about the other girls feelings then mine or her fiance's. I couldn't take it anymore and it was better to have a clean slate then to deal with it. Last time I saw my friend was my sister's wedding a year ago and then for a full year I was without a cell phone and just ignored the computer. I was really depressed and just watched anime on my kindle for a while. My friend never just showed up to make sure I was alive. She knew the house number so she could of called that to check up on me. The most I got was a few FB messages that I rarely even checked it because I was just so bleh didn't want to deal with anyone. When I finally ended our friendship I went through a detox of everything that was weighing on my soul. In that month I came out of the closet about my gender identity and sexuality to my immediate family. Then I ended my friendship with her and finally came out to my extended family. I have no more secrets in my soul to attack me anymore. :D

Off topic your wooing thing is so cute! XD
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:55 am

I'm so glad you were able to do that. I hope your family took it well! It's always nice to empty a bunch of weight off your chest. It sounds like you've reached a good point in your life.
I still have far too many things that I keep to myself. I had a lot of heartbreak the past 2 1/2 years or so.
I went through losing all my passions, my dreams being crushed into nothing, my friends were gone, my family issues, I lost everything. Ernya kept me from just laying in bed for the entire duration. lol
I'm in a better mind set because my husband holds me together now, and I have a job now, which sometimes triggers mental breakdowns, but the fact that I'm doing something productive feels better usually.
Sometimes it's still hard but, at least I'm recently starting to remember what "passion" feels like again ;v;'''

Hahaa it is pretty cute xD
I could see it being some silly romance manga date
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:59 am

The majority of my extended family accepted it. I only got talked to about religion by one aunt and uncle. The rest of them were all you do you! The only one having a tough time of it is my dad but I'm giving him a lot of leeway hoping he will turn around.
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:03 am

Yeah, well it is harder for older people since they grew up in a time where that's frowned upon still so I wouldn't take it too personally if he never comes around. He'll probably always love you either way.
My parents would probably be a bit mean if I was gay or trans or something. They're not always the nicest bunch XD
I guess its a good thing I'm straight and all.
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:07 am

Yeah hopefully he does turn around because I don't want him to hate me for being me you know. XD
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:20 am

Yeah I hope so too!
I'm sure he will eventually c:
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