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Banni's making a hangout too

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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Mika » Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:34 pm

How are they still in business xD
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:54 pm

I ask myself that so much lol
My job is a ticking time bomb though, literally. Kmart/Sears isn't doing to well in general and in my part of the country (at least) they are falling apart. I think there are only two Kmart left in CO?
And mine just stopped selling games, which game systems were one of our biggest money makers apparently, so we just took a big hit.
We already lost our entire cafeteria way before I even came around too.
My job is slowly falling apart
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Turtle Sensei » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:10 pm

Oh wow. I didn't know that Kmart was doing that badly!
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Mika » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:16 pm

Man... That sucks... But there's just so much competition in the sales field.... Walmart drives a lot of people out of business...
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:01 pm

Oh wow Banni that is insane I can't believe they do that and haven't gotten sued yet!
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:11 pm

I am so sorry to hear your work environment is so difficult...there is probably harassment cases etc you could file but it sounds like you are in a delicate situation with needing to work and who knows how much longer Kmart will be around. I can't say Target is doing so well either.Costco seems to be pretty good to work for.

Can you go to the managers and ask if you can do the scheduling etc? Or ask if you can "give it a try" and see if that would "relieve their work load" (but at the same time you would be making it a better work environment for everyone)?
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Thu Feb 19, 2015 6:38 am

My particular store should get sued for probably a LOT OF THINGS. They kind of discriminate and according to my mom our rewards system is wrong because people have to tell us their phone numbers out loud and that's a security issue. As a matter of fact, I got a really sick prank call the other day from some random man around here, calling me by my name and everything. Either coincidence or he got it from me telling my phone number almost every day at work lol

And there are a number of other things but I wont ramble too much xD

@Lemon Cheesecake
Kmart is the only place I can reach right now unless we moved.
Otherwise yeah I'd try something else. But avoiding other retail here cause they are even worse as far as the inner abuse goes. I only have to worry about one person so I'm blessed lol

Oh me doing scheduling is out of question. Not allowed, not authorized. The business (or at least my store) doesn't work that way they can't let just anyone do that lol That would be an offer to be laughed at
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:35 am

Awww Banni that is so much to deal with. I hate how hostile work environments have gotten over the last few years.
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:06 am

Yeah before I had to move back in with my parents (which only happened cause freaking job cut my hours to almost nothing)
I DID quit and got a job elsewhere. I worked at Wendy's for a bit, and they were SO FREAKING AWFUL
I got so legitimately angry I came home throwing things at the walls.
Day 1) Don't touch anything, just sit in the lobby doing compliance on their laptop which actually has nothing to do with how they run the kitchen at all. In fact, I got bullied for trying to follow the rules I was told to on compliances (things like cleaning the lobby in a sanitary way, cause they rather just lazily slap it with a dry rag)
Day 2) Same as day 1 except the compliance site bugged out, so they threw me at the front registers where I would be trained by Mary.
Mary didn't train me. She told me to fetch her drinks, sauces, fries or whatever she said she needed. Giving me no ability to think or learn, just fetching.
Day 3) On the registers by myself now. No training. Asking a lot of questions and pulling a lot of hair out because everyone keeps treating me like I'm stupid, like how the fuck do I not know the ingredients to all the salads and whatnot.
Day 4) Get tossed onto the drive thru cash window already even though I am still so rough on the registers! This is when things get bad
cause from here on out, my job is to
- be at the window as soon as a car arrives to accept their payments.
- heat the buns and tortillas and bring them to the front
- bake the potatoes, make sure to turn them half way through, then bring them to the front in a container when done.
- prep bacon, cook it, and don't fxing burn it or you'll get scolded. Line the 4 bacon trays on a shelf to let them cool, draining the grease as well. Then put them in a container and set them on a heating thing to keep warm, or take them up front.
- clean the dishes. 100% of the time the bacon dishes are in there, and bacon is always running low, so I better fxing clean those first, AND the containers to take everything up front in.
- Fry and grill all the chicken. Don't freaking burn it!
- Make lemonade. This one wasn't so bad cause I mean they just get this inedible, almost solid block of lemon juice from a container in the freezer, and mix it with water, then store it.
- Make sure there are no boxes blocking the fire exit in the back. Every bloody second they are chucking boxes there even when the boxes are blocking me from getting out of the drive thru window area. So this is a task I put on myself without being told, cause omg the fire marshal would be all over their butts for it!

OK so take all this, and cram it into like a minute, and one person, and the span of the entire kitchen, and everyone is asking this all at once. Get the potatoes, get the buns, where's the bacon, why the dishes piling up.
Then they'd mock me and harass and bully me.

SO I never came back, didn't even call, cause I wanted to see how badly they'd fall apart without someone to do all that, and how much they should have appreciated me. v 3v
And they really did fall apart for a while

I have a similar story for the other job I tried to work that was semi-auto a car wash.
And that is why I work at Kmart despite how much it makes me cry. Because it is still the best job around here
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:22 am

Ugh Banni that sucks! Sounds like my situation in a doctor's office.

I started only filing charts and making copies when I was in high school. Six years later I was asked to be a full time employee and they didn't even train me. I had never made appointments before because that wasn't what I was trained for. I never answered the phones because I wasn't trained on what to do for them but they wanted me to do it anyway prior to full time work. I did have the bulk of the computer program known since I knew how to look up stuff on it. They threw me at the front desk and I got two days of training that was it. We saw 40 patients in the morning and 40 at night almost every day. We had multiple doctors and when patients were being let out I had so much chart stuff plus making appointments it was insane.

Not to mention the fact we took in people who didn't speak English. It's my biggest pet peeve about doctor's offices. If your going to have someone who doesn't speak English come in then THEY must bring in a translator and not assume that YOU know their language. We had so much trouble with that and it was so frustrating. I would get backed up all the time despite how fast I was and I was fast. Then we got a new computer system that nobody but me knew how to do so I constantly got backed up for helping them!

At one point it was making me so stressed out I was ready to just end everything. My job was the biggest stress and when I finally went to quit after two years of full time stress they told me I wasn't thinking. My boss flat out told me the reason the job seems stressful was because I was distracted and worried about my mom's cancer. Did my mom get cancer around the time I wanted to quit well yes but I wanted to quit before I became full time but I needed a job. The place was crazy under the one person who knew how to do her job but under the new person she didn't really know anything. She kept saying she was super smart and that she went to the Yale of Online schools aka The University of Pheonix online. However she knew nothing about actually running the place despite being the Assistant to the one who was fired for disappearing so much!

*shakes fist angrily*
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:43 am

Ouch, gosh yeah I can see where that would be frustrating. I have the same peeve with non english speakers as well.
IF THEY'RE POLITE I don't mind cause I mean it's just Kmart. And most times, their kids can translate. To which I have to give very simple terms cause obv an 8 yo kid isn't going to understand some of the terms we use XD
But sometimes the adults can be pretty rude. That's when I become stubborn lol

But your boss saying that about your mom is actually way out of line. I can't believe they would suggest it!
Sounds like it was definitely worth quitting. I'm tempted to just drop my job and turn my phone off but in the end I wont be any happier sitting around the house all the time >n< Idk
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Mika » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:44 am

/gives Banni a big comforting hug of hugness/ There there. Let us be your happy place.
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:46 am

Yeah she was way out of line especially because my mom was an employee there! My mom knew how stressful it was and she worked in a different department.
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Banni » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:59 am

is ok I feel better today ;v; and that rant made me feel better too.
It becomes a funny thing now with the Wendy's experience, cause my coworkers know about it or experienced it themselves before me. So whenever someone comes in with a wendy's drink or bag, I give them a glare and they're like IDK WHY I DID IT I'M SORRY XD

Yeah, they should be slapped!
I heard on another site, some girl goes to some help place thing I forgot what it's called
because she has anorexia and it's just a place to kinda support each other. And one guy said to her that "I wish I was anorexic just so I could lose some weight"... and he was a staff member there.
It's crazy how stupid people can be in a work environment o-o or in general. Like I wouldn't even say that to my bestie that I've known since I was 8!
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Re: Banni's making a hangout too

Postby Blue Jay » Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:08 am

Gah that is just the stupidest thing to say to someone Banni! Ok off I go now to shower and stuff.
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