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Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:58 pm

I guess it happens to the best of us
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Fiel-kun » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:34 pm

Winter time is here!

Oh boy, I'm excited for the coming Christmas event here in Windlyn :)

//throws snowball in random direction
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:06 pm

Wow, how appropriate to start the holiday season with woolly mittens and ear muffs for Sinterklaas day! (Don't know if they planned that)

Time to eat dutch chocolate to celebrate!

How was Monkey's day? Did you have to work? When does winter break start?
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:11 pm

Yeah, I had to work, just me and one other guy for Subway, we had to get a guy who works at a taco place that's also in the food court to come in and help us. I don't really know why they couldn't get another Subway worker to come in.

I thought it'd be dead, but in comes a bunch of kids, and apparently it's one of the school's spotlight days.

I don't want to think about winter break right now. Next week's finals, but I don't want to think about winter break right now. URGH!
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:19 pm

Sorry your day was so tough...sometimes being so busy makes it fly by though...

I thought if you thought ahead to winter break it may give you something to look forward to ...quite a few of you on Windlyn will be doing winter finals this coming week
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:37 pm

I wish I can just travel back in time and fix my mistakes.

Anxiety and stress had been causing me to forget things, because if there's anything I learned in psychology, it is memory can be effected by anxiety and stress and can cause you to forget things easier.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:44 pm

I agree from first hand experience on what anxiety can do! But anxiety is made worse by lack of sleep so make sure you get enough good sound sleep - at least sleep helps the body handle the anxiety and stress a little better. Learn to take some calming breaths too. Most of us wish we could fix our mistakes...the best we can do is try to learn from them by recognizing what we did wrong. But you also need to learn to forgive yourself and sometimes that is extremely hard to do.
<pats you on the back>
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:51 pm

Yeah, that's another thing, lack of sleep. I got one morning class next semester but it was unavoidable, but at least it's one class.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:26 pm

Imagine walking down a sidewalk and hear a dog bark at you.....

But it isn't a dog.....

It's a cat.

If you want to get the joke, clicky!
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:02 pm

Okay, so warning. A VERY long vent thing I needed to get off of my chest. You don't have to bother reading it, I'm just rambling. Seriously, there's no point in reading it and making sense of it.

My freaking job screwed me over this semester.

When I first started working, they thought putting a student to work for a week straight was a good idea.

Of course, it isn't like that now, but when they got their crap together, it was already too late.

I have 11 pages for 2 papers that needs turning in, but there's no way I can write that overnight and before I have to go to class. Anxiety and stress are big demotivators and lack of sleep due to the freaking job makes it even worse. I don't even know how many of my classes I'm going to pass because I felt like I slept in every single class and I wasn't even trying to fall asleep, I tried so hard to stay up, but the lack of sleep and the warm temperature of the room knocks me out every time. This goes for my night class, too.

Just because I said I don't mind closing every so often doesn't mean to do that to me every single day. I TOLD you I have morning classes. I don't mind getting a bit less sleep one night as long as the next few nights I get all the sleep I need. But the crap they started to pull on me, the 11 hour shifts, doesn't help anything. My anxiety has been building up this whole semester and I'm basically been trying to keep cool, but every so often I have a freaking breakdown. Sometimes I wish I never had gotten this job, but I was so pushed into getting one. I was doing well in my classes before I got the job, but since my dad told me to get a job, I got one and now I'm struggling to even keep up with my class work and I'm so far behind there's no catching up.

I don't know what to do anymore. I could stay up all night trying to do as much as I can for English, but I still have other things to finish up. I also have a 10:30 am final for Spanish. I mean, English for me isn't until tomorrow night, but I have everything due tomorrow and Thursday and I work Thursday. This is the second freaking time I've taken English 102 at this college and I have no idea if I can even take it a third time. I'm probably going to fail Psychology, my two journalism classes i don't even know and am scared to look at. Spanish isn't that great either. I'm so busted. I'm scared of my dad finding out my grades. I'm so afraid of being put on academic probation or whatever. I'm scared that I won't be able to go back next year and having my dad's money wasted because I couldn't keep up with everything. I'm so done with everything.

I'm just done. It's hopeless. There's no way I can do this and keep my sanity. I don't see how people do it, do school and have a job. Why do I need to write 2 papers over the stupid financial situations of the US if I can't even control my spending habits and don't know jack squat about loans or taxes or anything like that? I don't even know that much about minimum wage. Yeah, one was to explain what it is, but 4 freaking pages to explain it? No!

And then argue why it should be raised or not in 7 pages? I can't even come up with a rebuttal defending my argument. I don't know how to even search it, even after being shown how to search for articles for it.

At least in my first ENG102 class at this university allowed me to choose what I want to write about so I could write about something I actually cared about. When it comes to minimum wage crap, all I care about is me having a job and earning money. That's it. I don't give a crap about that because I'm so neutral on the whole thing. I think it should be raised so people can afford to live basically. And I don't think it should because it raises everything else. I don't know how to argue my viewpoint because I don't particularly have a viewpoint. I don't get into politics or the like. It may seem bad or kinda stupid for me to say, but all I freaking care about is me passing my classes, graduating college and getting into a career I will enjoy without being stuck trying to write a paper I have no passion in writing, especially if I have no opinion on the topic.

And I'm rambling, but yeah, I should have done more to catch up, but my anxiety and stress has been so through the roof, I don't want to do anything, all I want to do is eat and sleep.

And psychology, freaking outside activities. Yeah, no. I have a freaking job. I don't have the time to do those things. Why make it required and lose a freaking letter grade when I literally have no time to do ANY of the activities. They were all lectures, but I have 4 other classes. These activities should be extra credit ONLY!
I freaking choose to nap before psychology instead of doing the online book reading assignment because I need the sleep.I get out of the class before barely able to stay awake, because, lets face it, I had no time the night before or any time to do the online book work, and when I do, I can't stay awake and focused to do it.
I loathe online assignments. I came to the university because I failed my online classes at a community college. Not everyone has the focus for online work and I'm one of those people. We're in a freaking classroom, give us worksheets instead of online work that is easily forgotten! Worksheets are easier to work on during work lunch breaks. But no, everything is online, even in classes that meet physically. Then why bother? If you're going to put everything online, why not videotape the lecture and post it online? It's the only logical route.

Yes, I am kinda having a breakdown right now, it's taken me an hour to write this because I had to stop every once in a while.

I hate how everything seems fine with someone but when they're currently struggling and having breakdowns due to their own personal reasons.

Again, don't try to make sense out of things. They're just ramblings that I needed to vent out. It does tend to jump around everywhere.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Ryvvi » Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:11 am

Can you force them to give you less shifts? I had to do that when the hours they were giving me at my job were too much for me to handle :/
The best thing to do with so many assignments due at once is to just take a deep breath and then focus on one of them. Even if its the easiest/smallest one, then work your way from there. Because then even if you don't have time or can't finish any of the others you'll at least have something finished.

Also if you're struggling with completing something online, you can print the readings out (if you can), and for assignments when i struggled focusing at my computer, i would write it out by hand first to get it all done, then type it in. Much easier to focus :smile: Hope some of that helped :worry:
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:08 am

The problem is, I don't have the time to do that anymore.

And with my job, they changed me to 3 days a week (Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays) but I was too far behind at that point.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:45 pm

Where's the redo button that life needs? I can't take this stress anymore. I'm sick of these dang breakdowns.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:27 pm

everytime you get distracted and go to do something else - stop yourself and go back to doing your school work. Ryvvi gave some good advice, start with the simple and get those done and if you do better reading what you hold in your hands then print the work out. Determine to use every spare moment to focus on your work. One step at a time will get you to your goal, if you look at the mountain you will grow faint, if y ou look at just the step ahead then you can make it.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:21 pm

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:00 pm

There's no time......... My semester is basically ended. That's the whole deal. Otherwise I'd try to catch up.
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