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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:34 pm

I now turn off my phone at night to make sure it charges because that's the only way it's charging now.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:06 pm

well, so long as it charges... you don't need to be woken up in the middle of the night anyway - they can still leave messages that you can check in the morning...
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:41 pm

My dad just gets really mad at me when I don't answer when he calls, especially since it happened so many times before.
It still has a great charge (besides the fact it was charging through a nap I took for like 3-4 hours before I went in to work because I would've otherwise felt like a zombie.)


So, you guys know that feel when you want to text a friend but before you do, you realize how late at night it is and decide it's better not to in case they're sleeping and you don't want to interrupt them even though you know they're most certainly up all night all the time anyway? No? Just me? Okay.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Diana » Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:29 am

Glad to hear you found a way to make your phone charge!
I've never understood being afraid to text/email people because it would bother them/they're sleeping. To me, the whole point is they can read and respond at their own convenience. Calling on the other hand... :P I guess some people leave their sound on.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:43 am

I don't want them thinking "What are you doing up at 3 o'clock in the morning? Are you crazy?!"
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:30 am

They're only going to know you are up at 3 am if you reply at that time and the time is recorded on your reply...unless of course you answer the phone...but then I'd be like, why are you calling me at 3 am?
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Watery Star » Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:18 am

If I think it's a bad time to call I wont but may check facebook or an instant messenger to see if they're online. I pretty much never call my friends unless I have plans with them ^^; I like communicating online because it's easier to tell if they're around.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:50 am

Isn't that the truth though Watery - people communicate electronically more then orally now... and it is so much easier to leave an "electronic written message" then an answering machine message. But the nice thing about voice chat or phone is that you actually hear their voice... which can be endearing when they live far away.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:31 pm

Well, I'm changing the topic because something's driving me insane.

I can NOT stand people touching my clothes. Also, just kicking around my laundry basket like it's a toy. I hate people so damn much, and sorry for the language, but unless there was a FLOCK of people coming in at once, when I was in there at the time, half of the dryers were open. Though, yeah, I forgot about taking my clothes out of the dryer, but come on! Don't touch my damn stuff! Clothes especially! That's weird and awkward. I don't know who you are. I don't know if it was a guy or a girl (a guy touching my clothes makes me shudder at the thought) or what. But show some damn manners. If there isn't an empty, free dryer, wait a few damn minutes and one will open up. It isn't the end of the world for you to wait. I was in a rush trying to get somewhere and I needed clothes. I had to take the driest things from the dryer to wear and put the rest in. By the time I got done with the thing, I forgot all about my clothes.

And show some fucking manners and don't just kick around someone's laundry basket, geez. I can't just get them when I get to them anymore. The nerve of some people, I can't deal. I'm not sitting in that damn laundry room to make sure nobody touches my stuff. It's respectful to leave other people's things alone and not bother them AT ALL! I don't give a shit if you have clothes to dry, if someone's clothes are in a dryer, leave them alone, don't touch someone's stuff if they don't give you permission to touch their stuff.

The freaking RHC, at the beginning of the school year in the fall even said that people won't get into trouble moving your clothes out of the dryer, but really, nobody needs to put their nasty hands on someone else's stuff. That's creepy and disrespectful and if it's not your stuff, leave it alone. Again, I don't give a flying shit if you have to dry clothes. It's not my fault you chose THEN to do your laundry. I can't stand going in there and seeing my clothes on the table in there, on top of someone else's clothes, and some pieces of my clothes scattered about the floor because you just had to have that ONE fucking dryer. FFS, my laundry basket was in front of the dryer I was using. Leave my fucking clothes alone, leave my laundry basket alone, and we'll get along dandy. (I think the RHC sent an email saying that, but it was so long ago. Idk if I should go to him about it. Nobody needs to put their hands on someone else's stuff.)

(Sorry for the language, I am just so pissed off right now. People piss me off.)
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby galled » Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:23 am

I used to set an alarm so I'd make it back right before the wash cycle was done and again when it was just about ready to be done drying. I don't like people touching my stuff either, so I always tried to be there before they'd have a reason to. But you know what? I've caught people taking my stuff out before it was done (to catch a partial free dry perhaps?), so yes, some people are just out of control...
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Windlyn is so fun,
Windlyn is so grand,
So come on everyone,
All across the land,
Come and join us now,
In this awesome site,
We will show you how,
Talking through the night.

Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:37 am

My campus does free laundry (starting fall 2015) so it's not like they try to get some free laundry.

I had to go to church and I was out from 5-9 and they weren't done until like 5-5:15 or so.

But I know it wasn't because of trying to get free laundry, they just can't wait a few minutes to find a free one. I'm tempted one day to take the clothes out of the dryer of the person who took my stuff out and see if they like people touching their clothes, but then again, that makes me feel weird and uncomfortable doing it myself.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:11 am

22 days..... 22 days until my 21st birthday! :D

And in speaking of birthdays.....

Happy birthday, Diana!
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:54 pm

Urgh, so my work is asking if I can come in today til close, and although I had yesterday off, I'm thinking about my 9:30 am class. I barely got sleep last night because I was being stupid to stay up til 4:30 am and wake up at 9:30... for a 10:10 am class.

I would have to wake up tomorrow at like 8:30-9:00 am, in that range somewhere and we close at 2 in the morning and get out at 2:30 and I don't know if I have enough energy to do so buuuuut the extra money I'll get.

Idk, I'm conflicted.

I have to continue working on a speech though, but hopefully they don't ask me again tomorrow, I have things set on my plans for tomorrow evening for extra bonus points for my speech, and just to get advice and practice on it. It's due Thursday, but I planned for Tuesday to be the day I get help because I have 1 class and I'm off.

Urgh, I worked through 2 of my 3 days off last work week, I don't want to keep having it get cut short because nobody wants to come in to work or stay at work at Subway. We lose too many people too fast. Yeah, it's a fast paced job on campus and it gets stressful, but you have to appreciate the job you have. The longer at a place you work, the better it looks on your resume and applications to other jobs because they would see a dedicated employee who would stay for a longer period of time.

I mean, I'm most likely going to leave Subway at the end of the semester because I want to find a job that I can stay at work over breaks and such. I'm not full time so I don't get paid over the breaks like those who are full time does.

I guess I will, more hours, bigger paycheck. As long as this doesn't become a thing that stays. Or at least if it does, give me Thursdays off and I'll be good. (Night class on Thursdays).
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby galled » Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:45 pm

I only see positives about it all:

+ Yes, more hours=more money
+ High turnover=You've worked there longer=seniority=more flexibility to your needs/requirements to stay
+ The longer you stay=better it looks to future employers
+ If you do leave, you've gained experience on how to get a job=self confidence=priceless!! :)
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:41 pm

53 hours during this pay period (I get paid bi-weekly) and I've been asked if I could come in on my days off 3 days these past two weeks. They're not getting me tomorrow. I have other commitments that I'm not rescheduling.

Guys, you gotta be very wary in the next 21 days.... I'll be 21 and you know what that means..........

it's a secret!
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