Please pardon my recent absence dearest family, /bows/ I just got done reading the tearjerking ending to a manga I've been wanting to finish for many years. It was worth it.
but seriously I'm hoping to get 100 of the crovvns and at least 40-50 each of the hair and the bear ears to give out to people so far I'm at about 7 each on Donafae?
Yay so I have another little sister!!! Now Lina you just need to pick a Pokemon type that isn't listed on the ones on front page. I could see you as maybe Mika's rival with Fairy type Pokemon.
Yes we have grown now Lina just needs to pick a type. There is Normal, Fighting, Bug,Flying,Steel,Rock,Ground,Dark,Physic,Ghost, Posion, Fairy, Electric, and Ice left.