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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Fuu-Chan » Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:41 pm

Blah I need to fix my sleep schedule.
Sleeping too much and not having any time to do art. x. x
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Mika » Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:21 am

That doesn't sound very good. If I sleep too much I get a head ache... So I'm forced to get up.
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Icecicles pierce my heart
Now I wait, to send out my wish
To find you where ever you are"


Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Fuu-Chan » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:32 am

Tis not. So I have to eat as much as I can
before my body decides it needs to sleep.

Today I have a headache. So it's hard to not want to sleep.
But i must not fall asleep until I've eaten enough ;3;
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Mika » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:10 pm

Well here is hoping that you manage to do that!
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Fuu-Chan » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:02 pm

Mhm. I stayed up later then normal which is good.
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:52 am

Fuu-chan, make sure you are staying hydrated because that can cause headaches too... that's the one I have trouble with because I don't always have time to drink at work, although I try to have a water bottle near by, or run to the bathroom... so besides headaches, I also get leg cramps when I am dehydrated.
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Fuu-Chan » Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:36 am

I don't really get dehydrated.
I know that is very odd sounding but because of i have a dry mouth I don't really feel
super thirsty or anything.

But I always stay hydrated. Though my headache went away after I did eat lunch.
Thank you for being concerned for my well being. ^^

But today my allergies are playing tricks on me today.
I took an allergy pill however and feel better. And I feel not very tired or not as tired
as I normally do since I took two ish extra hours to sleep. :3
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:37 pm

hmm...have you gotten your dry mouth condition checked out? Plus, you can be dehydrated or lacking electrolytes and not be thirsty. Allergy pills can also "dry you up" depending on which ones you are taking. They also can make you tired or wired depending on how your body responds to them. Our bodies try to talk to us, learning to understand and respond to our bodies needs is complicated though and often trial and error.
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Mika » Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:52 pm

Good day Fuuchi
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Fuu-Chan » Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:18 am

My dry mouth is caused by my breathing.
I don't breath through my nose like normal people do. I breath through my mouth.
To stop it, I need to get my tonsils removed my orthodontist told me. I have enlarged tonsils.
In order to get them removed I have to see a regular doctor in order for them to give me the okay to see a specialist to get them removed. And my dad barely has time to get the chores we need done.
So it's a bit complex to get them removed right now when the only person who can drive doesn't have a lot of time off.

I drink powerade which has electrolytes.
I do drink water too but because of my health anxiety i have to drink water which crystal light/flavoring.
But it's better than drinking nothing at all. Like sometimes i feel thirsty but not a whole lot.
It really depends what I eat, etc.

I also do not take allergy pills that are store bought. I order my allergy pills that I order from a natural company. It didn't really dry me out. But it really helped my dizziness.
I ended up crashing at 5pm close to 6pm. Which is like 4 hours later than normal.
I am in the middle of fixing my schedule which is why I am so tired.

Hello mika, how are you?
Sorry I barely go on here anymore.
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Local time: Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:41 am

Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:15 pm

oh Fuu! You poor thing! I had my tonsils out when I was 7, because i had excruciating ear aches, so I don't even remember if they were large or not.I haven't had ear aches like that since though.
That must be so scary for you with the breathing, especially when you sleep. I do hope you will manage to get to the Doctors but insurance companies can make things so complicated. Sounds like you are trying to stay on top of what you can do for yourself in the meantime. I was only asking because i know of people that have had other medical problems related to dry mouths and the earlier you can get them treated the better.I do take over the counter allergy pills when I need to but I can't take all types as I have side effects with some .
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Fuu-Chan » Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:19 am

We didn't know I was a mouth breather and needed my tonsils removed until about 2-3 years ago.
It's very hard sometimes for me to breath. Like it makes my chest ache sometimes.
And I always try to not go out during super cold days because it's twice as hard to breath with my mouth
breathing and the harsh weather. I very much would love to know what it is like to breath normally.

then I could exercise and not feel like I'm dying Dx

Yeah, I basically am.
It's just very hard. I can't ask any friends to take me because well..I don't have any that live in CO.
The closest friend I have lives in Washington.
And I can't ask my relatives because apparently asking or doing a solid for someone means they have to pay you for doing something out of the kindness of their hearts. So really there isn't much I can do but to just deal with it and do what I can until I am able to see a doctor.

I am getting my ID next monday so maybe that will help push things along. I need my ID since my insurance needs me to have one to get insurance cards. I do what I can to keep my hygiene up. I do not want something to go wrong in the future when I could have prevented it you know?

And mouth breathing, with it I am kind of prone to cavities. Which makes me stress the dentist. e.e
But my dentist understands I am trying my best so that really helps that they don't give me lectures.
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Mika » Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:36 pm

Its okay Fuuchi, ive been a bit lazy here myself. But as long as you do come back haha
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Local time: Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:41 am

Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Fuu-Chan » Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:44 am

I only post in this thread so I only come back when there is a new reply
because I am not much of a poster on this site Dx
I should get more active but eh. XD

I've been spending most of my time on Cae now cause i need items >~<
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Re: Fuu's Creative Corner|Free Art On Pg 157

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:53 pm

I sad your relatives aren't more helpful Fuu... perhaps when you get your own insurance card you can work on taking care of things yourself. Did the dentist suggest you use fluoride mouth rinses to help protect the enamel on your teeth? Just make sure you clean your teeth first because fluoride will harden any plaque that is on the teeth (not instantly of course). The insurance should cover procedures to correct breathing obstruction. Most people do not realize how fortunate they are to breathe normally. I hope it will come true for you soon.
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