I'm going to assume coming in late that talking about the S word was what is being steered from otherwise the bunnies being steered away from would be an odd request from ZB since she is a bunny. With that being stated speaking of ZB when Easter comes I fully expect to see you and Bunny as easter rabbits is that clear.
is it possible to be nauseous and hungry at the same time? because ive been nauseous all day but ive also been eating all day because ive been freaking ravenous ;-; i just ate 2 wraps, waited half an hour, got hungry again, ate some noodles, waited half an hour, and now im hungry again Dx but i dun feel goooddd
Oh yeah it is. It sucks super hard when you are. I have a condition that if I don't eat, I get really nauseous and even if I eat after that, I'm still nauseous and sick feeling for the rest of the day.