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Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:26 pm

Point 1: It could be argued that it might take someone who won't do things the same old, same old to get things moving again. If you're part of the political system for decades, you probably lack new ideas. So, having no political experience could be a good thing.

Point 2: Bankruptcy is good or bad depending on which side you're on. There have been many companies that emerged from bankruptcy, paid all of their creditors, and are fine today. I don't know of any specifics of Trump's bankruptcies (and I don't even know if he was in control of any of them when they did file). The devil is in the details, so I can't pass judgement without specifics, but in general, bankruptcies are designed to pay off creditors. They may have all been paid off or they may not. It depends. Details make a huge difference. Then there have been many companies that went bankrupt after many years of doing great things and being profitable for most of them. Again, it depends on specifics.

Regardless, voting has denigrated to a contest of voting for the least objectionable candidate. It's looking like it'll be Trump and Hillary this cycle.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:41 pm

It's just high school for adults.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:22 pm

The only thing I really know of Trump is watching him on "The apprentice" show, I have never really looked into his history. His kids seem to have done well for themselves so he must have taught them something about business savvyness and they articulate themselves well.

Just so many unknowns with the politicians and its not like we really get a say anyway.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:01 am

Unpopular opinion:

Undertale is overrated to a point I lost interest.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:17 pm


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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:45 pm


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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:38 pm

ha, ha...cute...the blanket wrapped around is me! ...if you are bored, maybe you need to find some other hobbies? Volunteer work?
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:53 pm

My hobbies require money and a vehicle to get supplies. Lol.

I was knitting until I messed up, took it apart, and gave up on it, lol.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun May 01, 2016 1:07 am

sadly most hobbies do require money but there are some that cost less then others...maybe try picking up a new one?
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Sun May 01, 2016 10:36 am

My hobby is the internets. :)
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Wed May 04, 2016 10:40 pm

Well, I haven't been here for a while and it's because a game grabbed me by my collar and is holding me hostage because I can't stop playing it, lol.

And I just need to vent a little so I'm going to put it in spoilers.......

So, I had to go to work tonight since I agreed after someone quit and I could use some more hours. Everything was going alright. One lady who works with us was noticeably agitated and was complaining the whole time. This is a much, MUCH older lady, like 60's 70's or something, and I'm like "I know working is stressful, but cmon, don't be whining, especially around the customers."

So, I was told that the only sauces we had were on the line and I went to the other side where this lady was when I came in and I got one since a customer wanted it. She got irritated and a coworker just told me to just say we don't have any so I did that. Later on, the lady apologized and I forgave her for that.

Skip to later on, til around 1:00-1:30, before we closed, she asked if I had a drink up on a shelf where everybody puts their drinks and I said I did and I was going to get it after I take care of the customers in line because I can't leave the line when there are customers. She decided to go on ahead and dumped out all the drinks. The whole damn night, with all her complaining, I was starting to feel annoyed, and at that moment, I just couldn't just stand there and say nothing. I told her if she gave me a minute, I would've gotten it and that, usually when I work on the weekends, they ask me if I have a drink up on the shelf before they throw them out after we finish cleaning up for the night. She proceeds to say "It isn't the weekend!" and storms out.

Yeah, you could be like "why are you upset about a drink? Couldn't you get another one?" And yeah, I could've gotten another drink, but if I did and put it where I had to put it, she'd get angry, that's why I was getting annoyed over it. Because I knew she was going to get more angry over it. You could see the anger in her face.

But, with stress, finals coming, my anxieties all building up, when she blew up at me, I couldn't take it and I pretty much had an anxiety attack. Then I talked about it to the shift lead and the supervisor and I calmed down.

I thought I'd be able to make it through the rest of the night til close fine, but I find that being around the lady scares me and I was trying to avoid her. Then my shift lead said that I should go home and I decided "yeah, she's right" and as I was getting my stuff, I would do whatever it took to avoid her. Like, you could feel the negativity emanating off her. She was saying how she gets stressed out over working 2 jobs, and I understand that it can be stressful, but I also have a lot of things going on beyond work and I try to remain as positive as I can so nobody feels uncomfortable around me. I panic a lot in my room at night when I'm alone, but out around people, I try my best to not be negative, and then there's this lady who apparently can't deal with her stress in a way that doesn't make people around her uncomfortable.

Hell, she was even complaining to the customers, which is a big no-no! You don't take your anger out to the customers! I wanted to tell her that she doesn't need to complain to them, and maybe I should have after the line was gone, but I didn't. I didn't want to argue in front of the customers.... I didn't want to argue period.

But she was pretty agitated and in such a hurry to get out. I mean, if she doesn't want to work there, she should just quit. That's what I'm getting from it. She's working there but doesn't want to. If she doesn't like the job that much, she shouldn't be there. I've worked with people who did get mad at me before but it was never to the level where I'd go into a panic attack, not even once.

I made it til 10 minutes before closing before I clocked out so I was there 99% of the day, which isn't that bad and I'm still going to go in tomorrow, but I needed to get out of there. With the way I was feeling and her storming about the place, it wasn't helping me.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Thu May 05, 2016 12:06 am

You views are totally understandable and incredibly mature. That woman is toxic and a bad employee. Is she the manager? Feel sorry for her. Her life must suck and she isn't having fun. You get to go home. I bet she takes her negativity with her no matter where she is.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Thu May 05, 2016 2:19 am

She's not the manager, just a coworker of mine. But, yeah, she is pretty toxic.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Thu May 05, 2016 8:53 am

What, if anything, does the manager say to/think about her?
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Thu May 05, 2016 10:11 am

Idk. All I know is the supervisor went to talk to her. That was the first time I worked with her, too. So I really don't know.
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