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Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:17 pm

We all have a certain amount of anxiety.

This guy is pretty smart:
Why We're All So Anxious
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:45 pm

Yeah, I know that everyone gets anxious. But it's not normal when it affects your everyday life.


So, McDonalds hired me. I am going to other interviews because they were scheduled, but the thing is, even though the other jobs would be $10 an hour, they're factory work. I hate factory work and I'd rather work in fast food. Compared to factory work, I enjoy fast food work. I haven't started, but I don't like working so hard and finally getting hired and then telling them (and not actually say it like this) "screw your job, this job is paying better than you!" and giving up that job.

I kinda want to work at McDonalds, I kinda don't want to work at a factory job. I don't know what to do anymore. I'd like the $1o an hour, but I like the working at a fast food over factory. Does that make me crazy or anything? If I can get one of those jobs in a later shift that I can still get to sleep and work at McDonald's from 6-4, that'd be great because I don't want to give up McDonalds because I really do kind of enjoy working in fast food.

(darn pengwing thingy is over the submit button. I hate you so much lady pengwing!)
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:58 pm

Great you got a job! I recall hearing something about if you want to ever own a McDonalds they require you to work all the job positions - has anyone else heard that? So, you can laways think of your work as training for owning a McDonalds one day!

Honestly though, minimum wage, especially fast food, don't expect people to stay that long - they are glad if they do but not surprised if they don't.

Our McDonalds starts at $10/hr, if prices are the same, why aren't wages?

Another option is to go on to usps.com and look at employment under your state and see what is open. I think you start at $11 to $15 an hour depending on what you are doing. But for permanent jobs they have a test you need to take and pass. The other casual jobs at the post office I think you only have to pass the drug and physical tests and they always seem to be looking for someone who is willing to work nights and week ends.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:00 pm

Yes, it anything affects your life in a negative way, it's not good.

Congrats on the McDonald's job! You know, McDonald's is a great company. You can move as high as you like there and they value good workers. In fact everything is spelled out there, what to do, and how to do it. But of course all of the stores are not the same (depends on the owner), but you'll find it more uniform than other companies (meaning they can't fall too far from the tree). So if you can put in the effort, it is absolutely possible to make a career with the them. There'll be a lot less nonsense there.

Yes, you should go to the other interviews--if for nothing else, it'll boost your confidence by getting more interview experience (and if you get hired for those jobs too!).

Good luck! Thanks for keeping us posted. We're rootin' for ya!
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Jun 27, 2016 5:03 pm

I mean, I can get 2 jobs that pay minimum wage, that'll make it $14.50 an hour and go good. 2 of the job interviews I see as giving me the job on the spot that's factory work, but I really don't want to leave McDonalds after getting it. I don't care right now that it's a minimum wage job, if the McDonald's I got hired at has a minimum wage pay. I tried looking it up but everything is a mess for McDonalds. Like, I keep getting these "McDonalds are going to raise their pay." "Company owned McDonalds are getting a higher pay while franchise owned ones aren't" crap. I wish there was a solid answer for them all.

It's like how some Taco Bells serve lunch all day and some don't. How some McDonalds are open 24/7 and others aren't. There's not a solid answer. I didn't get to ask any questions before she said "Well, I'm just going to hire you then" (literally, she literally said that) and so I assume they're going to mention it at the orientation. But I just don't want to turn down that job. I'd rather work at a minimum wage job if it means I'd enjoy it more.

I mean, I wasn't going to skip on the others, but if I can find a way to keep at McDonalds, I'd be happy. I honestly do enjoy working at fast food and that's been the hardest for me to get a job at, too. Like, I went to a lot of interviews for fast food and McDonalds actually hired me and it made me happy. I just hope they don't pull the same shit as Subway and just not schedule me. It sounds like they would, though, give me hours, I mean.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Mon Jun 27, 2016 6:27 pm

Did they give you an information about when you'll start? One thing to keep in mind is anytime you have contact with the manager etc., is get firm dates and times. If they won't give you one, ask when you should follow up. If they won't give you that, just track them down in a couple of days and repeat. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:44 pm

I'm sure they'll tell me my start date at orientation. If not, I'd ask them.

Idc what my dad says, I will work where I will enjoy it. If I take a $10 an hour job, I'm going to try to put it around my McDonald's job because I don't want to back out of it. Idc about working two jobs, more money for me. Like, there's this new grocery store that's opening up (haven't opened yet) and they're having a job fair. If I can get on there and depending on how late they're open, I can try to get on their later shift and stay on morning shift at McDonalds. Though, if this one temp service gives me a job that's going to interfere, idk what to do. It'd be $10 an hour, but a job I hate or a $7.25 an hour job that I'd enjoy more. There's a conflict. I can't stand these kinds of things. This is what I hate about job hunting. I apply to many places, get many interviews and then if multiple jobs want to hire me, I wouldn't know what to do.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:05 pm

Look at it like this--the extra money will mean nothing if you hate your job and you do badly at it--which will cause you to lose that job. Just don't try to do too much that one or both jobs suffer. And make sure you alarm works!

A, B, C = Any job, Better job, Career.

That said, take the job or jobs that'll pay you the most money and that you can tolerate the most. Once you figure out that you want to do (career), then plan for that/how to get there. Until you get that, saving money is the key to independence/options.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Watery Star » Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:40 am

Sounds like you'll be happy with McDonald's. Don't worry about it paying less if you'll be happiest there. Once you know your hours at McDonald's then you can see when you can fit in a second job. I'm not sure how they do scheduling, if positions will be fixed or not. If they don't have set schedules and it changes each week it could be hard to work a second job. What did you tell them your availability was?

Think of it this way, you have a job. It's just a matter if you'll be working two jobs or not. If you can only work at McDonald's then that's ok. If you can't tolerate a factory job you don't have to because you already have a job lined up.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:27 am

Yeah, but if I turn down a $10 an hour factory job to work at a minimum wage fast food restaurant, my dad'll be mad. He also wanted me to be a CNA and I told him that if I go to college (this was back in 2013 after I graduated) that I'm NOT doing anything that deals with nursing. It isn't a job for everyone, it's definitely not a job for me. My mom told me all the people who went to school to be a nurse but never finish it because they discovered they hated it. I haven't went to school for nursing because I know I will hate it.

Now, I have went to a temp service today only because I was scheduled to go in and it changed from factory work to working as a food service worker in a hospital and I'd be completely fine with that. It'll pay $9-$10 an hour depending on what exact food handling position I get, but it's way better than factory work.

Went to go to a hiring fair for a new farmer's market and the building is under construction (sort of, renovating it since it used to be an Office Max, guess they went under due to competition from Office Depot basically next door.) The hiring fair started (supposed to start) today but idk what went wrong. Then I checked the site and they said "Hiring Fair: Tuesday, June 28th 10-4 and Saturday June 29th 10-4..... See the error? LOL! xD (And it said at the location of where the building is being renovated.)

I got an interview request from another temp service in an email this morning. I didn't set one up because I was too overwhelmed, it was a factory job and I technically am employed by McDonalds. I'd rather work there and find another place to work at for their night shift and have my pay get doubled to $14.50 an hour because that's what $7.25 x 2 is. Yeah, it's two jobs and all, but I don't like getting hired and then be told to go try to get another job. Then I wish I never applied to McDonalds. Like, seriously, I don't care if it doesn't pay as much as a factory job. It's not a very good impression if you get hired on somewhere and then turn around and say you found a better job. I feel like that'd be a slap in the face.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:37 am

I actually found this paragraph in an article I read because I like to read articles sometime and I fully agree with it:
"You may be better off in a lower paying job with higher job satisfaction, than a higher paying job with less satisfaction. The higher paying job may help you to pay your bills more easily, but it still may not be worth it if each and every day on the job is a struggle."
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:51 am

I sounds like you have your mind set, but your dad is the issue. You should find some time to talk to him and tell him that you like the food industry and want to try working at McDonald's. Tell him about the company and what advancement potential there is (I know a guy that owns 3 McDonald's here and he started "at the bottom"). It took many years (20-25 I think), but it's totally possible. Then again, that was his plan. It just doesn't come to you. You have to work towards it and chip away at it every day.

It sounds like you can always get the factory job if the McD's doesn't work out for you. Would that be right? I'd tell him that too.

Good luck!
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:28 am

Quick update:
My dad says if I wanted to work in the food industry, McDonald's would be the best for me (the food service job at the hospital is just a bit too far for $9-10 an hour.). I'm still going to the next two but I hope I can just settle with McDonalds.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:59 am


You dad is your dad and a guy, so he just wants the best for you and wants it to make sense.

I don't know if it'll help your anxiety with him, but you are an adult now and he does love you. In the end he'll do what you want (if it doesn't hurt you or others he cares about). How could he not? He's your dad! What sounds like criticism may really be un-sugarcoated guidance really.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Watery Star » Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:03 pm

Is he coming to understand your desire to work there?
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