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Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:43 am

Yeah, I'm just done with people at this point. Just completely done.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Watery Star » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:44 am

You can come here and escape all that.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:28 am

For only a moment. Some people need to stop driving. Like, if you can't stay sober, not high, off your phone, you don't deserve a license. If you don't have the patience to wait a moment longer, you don't deserve a license. I have road rage, yes, and I need to fix it. But it's hard with a bunch of idiots on the road.
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Local time: Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:30 am

Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:32 am

I'm kinda the same. I only like the people I like and prefer not to interact with anyone I don't like if I can help it. Driving isn't any fun for me due to the number of bad drivers I encounter every time I hit the road. However, I will say that it seems that the time of day changes the number that I see out there. I can't wait for self-driving cars. Let the A.I. deal with the idiots! ;)
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:39 am

I heard that a self driving car that was being tested got in a wreck once. But I think it was because of some other idiot who can't drive. I believe that actually happened.
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:52 pm

There have been a couple of crashes, but they were with autopilot mode (not full autonomous), and only one seems to have been a software/tech issue. The rest were from people using auto pilot in a way not intended/designed (yeah, being idiots).
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Ina » Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:17 pm

since im too scard to make my own thread ill jsut post in hangouts until i get more comfortable

i always accidentally veiw my own posts when im trying to view the whole forum xoxoxox
mainly cause on another site the dropdown to all forums is where the 'my posts' tag is here and i just love muscle memory and how it makes me click it all the time
oh well eventually ill remember that the format is different
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Local time: Mon Sep 30, 2024 7:30 am

Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:54 pm

Definitley too many careless people driving - and parking!
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Local time: Mon Sep 30, 2024 6:30 am

Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:37 pm

In speaking of parking....

This one person doesn't know how to use a parking lot.

They literally took up 2 spots....

Parked literally like this:

Of course, I grabbed this off google images and didn't take this myself, but I went to the store and someone parked like this I'm guessing to be lazy, but I find them to be a-holes. Sorry about the language, but that's how I felt.
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Local time: Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:30 am

Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Watery Star » Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:48 am

Ugh I hate how little disregard some people show for others.

Ina: If you make a Hangout I'll post in it^^ Feel free to post in mine if you want.
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Local time: Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:30 am

Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Mousy » Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:16 pm

I will be the first to admit that I suck at parking, but I am aware of my faults and park at the back of parking lots. XD I hate it when people think that they are so special that they should take up 2 spaces. like you just increased the chances of your car getting keyed 10-fold. not by me- but i mean in general.
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If you are talking to me, please ping or quote me. I get distracted and lose track of what I'm doing easily. :wink:

Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Ina » Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:24 pm

lol itll probably take at least a year for me to make a hangout, dont count on it
on a site i used to be on i was already a year old on the site before i finally made a hangout. and it died before it even got off the ground
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Local time: Mon Sep 30, 2024 7:30 am

Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby galled » Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:58 pm

I park waaay away from anyone. I've had too many door dings from inconsiderate people. I'd gladly walk an extra couple hundred of feet further away to hopefully not get my vehicle destroyed.

Ina you can make a hangout at any time when you're ready. You have lots of friends here, so if and when you did make one, I'm sure you'd get a lot of posting if you replied to everyone. That's the trick to it--a hangout is like a garden--you have to tend it or it may die. Oh, and of course being super nice to everyone like you are helps tons too! :)
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:04 pm

Ina Well, whenever you do make your hangout, I'll be sure to stop by and say hi! :)
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Re: Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:29 pm

I try to park a little bit back from the line because people seem to want to go nose to nose and often seem clueless they parked so close ( or hit the car in front of them!)
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