by Mika » Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:24 am
New jersey can't be much farther than what I have to drive to get up there xD every year seems to take longer and longer.... Which sucks... I hate driving for too long....
That's why you should try to find a job so you can do some awesome sauce stuff! When I was back in highschool and we had a club, we wanted to go to conventions... So you know, I tried to motivate them into doing fundraisers.... They were all too lazy to seriously earn the money to go.... The fastest way to earn money with a lot of members in the club is a car wash... They wouldn't even do that.... So after I graduated and still had the craving to go to a ton, I looked it up for Otakon and asked my friend if she wanted to go. And bam! It started. Lol. I could've strangled those guys in the club....