we made home made pizza tonight - and since we had the oven on we made apple crisp too. Then I decided to throw a few potato's in to bake - I enjoy potato's and they taste great cut up and fried in the morning for breakfast.
I don't know how to spell pizazz! Yes. Oh oh oh! What kind of pizza Lemon? I made pizza yesterday as well! With salmon and crabstick and prawns, bunch of stuff!
seafood would be good except it might make me very sick from allergies. Everyone likes something different in the family so we made plain cheese, onion, extra garlic one half with mushrooms and the other half with Olives. Then half a pineapple and the other half a Hawaiian but I think I over did it and I am stuffed.
I like to cook, but not all the time and I don't like to cook when I've had a long day and am tired. That's the day for left overs or picking something up
@kyuun im an okay cook, but I can't deal well with hot oil. shield me >_<
@cheesecake do you guys have chapfan in the us? its.. called economy rice or something? basically they have tons of homemade dishes laid out buffet style. you get a plate/packet of rice and choose, then pay.