by npixelz » Thu Feb 15, 2024 6:23 am
Thankfully she didn't take it with her, she left it in an envelope in her purse which was hidden. She forgot to give it back but didn't bring it to Mexico. So that's a huge relief for me
She did say I can order subs!
Thanks! You too!
Aww I try, you're quite the cheer bringer as well!
Last night was good, I was a tad slow because I'd been off for 5 days, but since the load didn't come the others were able to help! Also today is a co-worker's birthday!
Ok, so, I know I have a lot of game threads, but hear me out; a game thread where you take the lyrics of whatever song you want, but you switch some words around. For example; "shot through the heart, and you're to blame, you give love a bad name" becomes "shot through the blame, and you're to heart, you give name a bad love. It's just a fun way of being silly, no set goal, no mind games, just switching things around for fun. What do yall think?