That's what I figured happened
Ikr. Nah, I don't wanna ask too much
Luckily no other symptoms, and, while it still hurt last night, it was barely noticeable, and it's almost completely fine now!
Idk if I slept oddly, I usually only sleep in one of two positions
Could be the cold, though I was covered by my blanket almost completely
Thanks! It's pretty much better now! Only some small discomfort if I move it in certain ways. So, as my doctor would say; "just don't move it in those ways"!
Anyway last night was great, though I did miss my mom, dad, and dog, who are all out camping
I woke up at a decent time, my shoulder wasn't nearly as bad as the night before, I watched videos, played Pokemon, chatted with my friends via Discord voice chat, had pizza pockets fod dinner, had some ramen from ramen packs (which my sister made when she came home) as a snack, played Genshin Impact, finished the last book in the first Percy Jackson series, and generally had a good time