by npixelz » Sat Feb 22, 2025 6:29 am
Yeah, I was worried for a bit!
I never looked at the flavor name, but it had three colors, green, pink, and iirc orange
Last night was also good, woke up a tad late though. Had KD cup for dinner because it was on own and that was the quickest filling thing to make. Watched some videos before work. Walked my dog a short distance because I forgot to walk him earlier and I had to head to work. Work itself went well, though I didn't finish EVERY aisle I was supposed to, I nearly did, and my manager was happy with me. Walked home, and thankfully most of the sidewalks had finally been plowed and salted. Watched some more videos. And now I'm going to bed
Couple things about work though; I can no longer watch videos on YouTube at work, and I can no longer load Discord at work.
The videos thing has been this way for a few weeks, but the Discord thing only started on Wednesday