by Kitalpha Hart » Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:34 pm
Around noon I can switch from just liquids to the BRAT diet
Aka all things bland
And if I take my new anti-nausea meds (zofran, under the tongue that dissolves. Worked nicely while I was on chemo), not even liquids until an hour and a half later
If i keep those down, then back to bland city
So we'll see
And hey, the soup I had about half an hour ago is a lot more than I had than yesterday
That was a couple of sips of lukewarm tea (and of a crap brand too), some water, and four crackers
Prolly around three I'll suck down a boost, since those are allowed (and recommended. Well, those drinks that add nutrients and stuff in general, we just get boost cuz it's the one I preferred during chemo)