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The Fairy Garden (1)

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Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:53 pm

popping in, looking for more story...
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Watery Star » Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:03 am

*Looks around for some fairies*
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby dragoness129 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:05 am

My friends and I have been making fairies on doll makers to set up a Disney fairy RP.
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Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Watery Star » Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:54 pm

Are you roleplaying Tinkerbell and her fairy friends?
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby npixelz » Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:21 am

(yeah I'm back, how are you?)
<suddenly, a flock of mythical beasts come flying towards them.> <there are dragons, griffins, hipogriffs, harpies, phoenix's giant eagles, and more.> <they land on the ground gracefully in front of the guests, bending down and or holding out their legs, offering the guests a ride.> <in their excitement, the guests have trouble getting on, but the kind and patient beasts help them until each of them are situated in the best way for the journey.> <and then, as one, they take off!> <they soar the skies, over mountain and sea, forest and desert, fields and moors, flying high into the air and low over the ground, looping around and doing tricks.> <somehow the guests stay on their mounts, with little effort on their part.> <the beasts seem to know exactly how to keep their riders on them, and still do a bit of fancy flying here and there.> <as the wind flows around them, the guests here npixelz inside their heads, as she flies unaided around them.> <she tells of a time when this world, and the world of men, were one, a time when all races lived in harmony, and peace ruled over the universe.> <she tells of how a powerful race of beings came from the stars, and showed the race of man many wonders to gain its trust.> <soon, men began to renounce its gods and worship these beings instead.> <these beings brought corruption into the hearts of men, and caused them to begin to hate, fear, and look down on the mystical beings of the world.> <to save them, npixelz ancestors cast spell after spell, enchantment after enchantment, to withdraw the mystical races from the race of man.> <they even made man forget about those races, so that man would not go looking for them.> <the star beings were at first triumphant, but soon they too, were hunted down.> <they had orchestrated their own demise.> <finally, those that remained tried to escape on their last ship.> <but instead, their vessel, Atlantis, sank into the sea.> <now, the remnants of that once powerful race, take their revenge on any human that nears their vessel, in a triangular area near the small island of Bermuda.> <many generations have passed since then, and man has began to be more accepting.> <npixelz tells the guests that if this continues, then she may bring the worlds back together, under a single sky.> <she asks them to be there for the world of mystical things, if and when that should happen.> <she asks them to be advocates for that world, both now, and when the two worlds meet.> <and she asks them to help make the world of man a better place.> <but for now, it is time to land.> <they land in a beautiful meadow of flowers unknown, and dazzling insects of the most wonderful variety.> <there they find tables set up, with the most delicious food they have ever tasted, and the most pretty of decorations.>
(tune in for the last segment!)
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:17 pm

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Owner of many titles
Creator of many forum games
The Fairy Garden is my main place, but you'll also find me in other hangouts
Lastly, much love to everyone, and remember; Positive Mental Attitude!
Keep being awesome
:L_Wing: :heart: :R_Wing:

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:30 pm

dragoness - are you actually making fairy dolls~?!? Your girls must love that!

pixie - I a wait with baited breath for your next installment...
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby dragoness129 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:48 am

The Tinkerbell land setting, but all original characters. ^_^

Lemon - They are doll makers on the computer.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:13 pm

I like the Disney fairies personalities..I should watch those shows again.
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby npixelz » Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:01 am

<they all feast for 7 days and nights, somehow never growing tired, and never getting full, just pleasantly hungry enough for more.> <one thing they notice is that npixelz never let the fairies give them food directly, instead, she places a charm on each bit of food, before placing it on the tables.> <she explains to the guests that if they were to take the food from the fairies, they would never be able to leave, and so she charms the food to get rid of that enchantment.> <as proof, she teleports them to the world of men and back again, so they know that they do still have the ability to leave.> <during the week they spend there, they have such fun, as only one in the company of the fae kind can have.> <they participate in many festivities; dancing before a fire, dancing in the sun, the trees, the mountains, the soft sands of a gentle desert, on the waves of the sea, on clouds of the softest material, each day, the land changes into a new place, so they never tire of the scenery.> <they sing, such songs as they never knew, in such beautiful voices they never knew they had.> <they soar through the sky, with nothing but their will, taking them to amazing heights, and back down again.> <they joke and tell stories, and play games they never heard of.> <they sing songs they know, and play games they know as well, teaching them to the numerous fae that continue to gather as each day passes, until the crowd is so large, it's a wonder how they can all be in that one place.> <and yet, even with so many there, the guests still somehow find time for all of them, learning about their lives, and telling of their own lives as well.> <the week seems to last for several months, and at the same time, it seems to take no more than a few minutes.> <such laughter is to be had during this time, and the guests almost forget about their old lives.> <whenever they do remember, they scarcely remember the bad times, and when they do, they remember them in a different light, even laughing at some of the worries they used to have.> <finally, the week is over, and all of the fae place a part of their soul into each of the guests, so that when they are done, the guests feel such an amazing and wonderful change come over them, that they know they can do whatever it is they desire.> <they feel ready to fulfill the great honor bestowed upon them; to be the advocates for these races of beings they have come to love so much.> <then, npixelz bestows upon each of them a gift, a thank you for the fun times they've had, and the good times they will bring.> <and so they set out from the mystical land of the fae, ready to aid them when the time comes, ready to prepare for a new, a grand, chapter in the history of the planet they call home.>
(thank you for reading, and supporting me throughout the story. I hope you've enjoyed!)
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Gingerale » Tue Nov 14, 2017 8:33 pm

leaves a sparkly gem as a thank you for the fae folk for such a wondrous time
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Watery Star » Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:35 am

Thank you Npixelz, thank you fae-folk! I shall make thank you notes in thanks for the good time I've enjoyed.
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Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:14 pm

thank you npixelz for the lovely journey
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby lethargy » Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:53 pm

such a cute thread
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Local time: Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:17 pm

Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby Watery Star » Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:45 pm

Isn't it? ^.^
For some reason the thought of a coloring books based of the adventures in this thread appeals to me.
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Re: The Fairy Garden

Postby lethargy » Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:41 pm

That'd be so perfect
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