Turtle SenseiYou do raise a point, but near here it isn't about culture on why they don't want a mixed bloodline, but because you know stereotypes. I believe that I did mention about living in the Philippines, so you know lots of Filipinos, and they don't want me being around them even if it's a just friends thing.(which is something I don't do bc how do you expect them to be nice to you if you aren't nice to them like it's their country to begin with and being a decent human being can be a thing yo.)
Most of the reasons why they don't want to have children and grandchildren that have Filipino descent is either they would say "Filipinos are lazy", and or "stupid"(which is rude to say tbh) and or they believe that they would be ugly bc Chinese families or at least my family also believes that beauty depends on skin color.(totally bs tho)
Similar to this Filipinos also have racist ideals about Chinese, not really sure on their opinions bc most of the people I'm friends with are p chill. But they usually just comment on physical features which is actually kind of common on both sides rly.