by Cae » Tue May 22, 2018 7:08 pm
That... Honestly depends. I jump around.... a lot. Like one month I might be all "SKYRIM FOR THE NORDS!" or whatever... then for the next three I do nothing but Minecraft, then maybe for the next two weeks I play some co-op or single player shooter game. The only games I don't really play.... are the PVP heavy based ones. (Cept maybe SSB and stuff where I pretty much would on;y play with friends.)
But uh right now.. Bunch of MMO games, Path of Exile, (That's what I spent ages working on yesterday cause there's a section my very poor Windows PC can't actually access just auto crashes every time.), Guild Wars 2, Warframe cause my friend is really into that, and I just wanted something kinda actiony. Thought... I just so happen to be adventing around skyrim as we speak... running away wolves as a level 1 new char. q.q (Wolves are vicious and have killed me twice so far, they just keep ganging up on me.)
Always looking for something interesting.