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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:28 am

I thought the dresses also leave on the 17th....
then again, I read that at 3 in the morning so I could've misread it...
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Maro » Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:52 pm

True I misread things all the time around then myself.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:26 pm

Gosh, I need more sleep but I refuse to sleep then I pass out............
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:58 pm

did you get any sleep yet? How is the job hunting going?
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:22 pm

I never get sleep and it's almost July, hadn't gotten passed interviews and will be hopefully going back to school in August. It's kinda late for a job and that pisses me off.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:08 pm

did you check out a temp place, they usually will find places you can work for 2 weeks, month...usually to fill in for vacations doing receptionist, stocking shelves etc.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:19 am

No, now that I think of it, I haven't.

I think it's because I'll go to their site and then it just turns into all the other job hunting sites and I never hear back from anybody and when I do, they decide I'm not good enough.

Been searching for basically 4 years, I should have one by now. >.<
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:52 pm

Monkey - sometimes jobs come from those around you who you know... referrals, someone you know works there, or helping people out. Things like pet sitting ( someone I know gets $20/hour), cleaning houses (average $15 to $25/hr), yard work ($10-$15/hr), babysitting ($5-$10 hr), driving seniors to appointments or cooking them meals ($10 - $25 hr), tutors ($10-$20 hr). You can be creative, look around, keep your ears open for opportunities, plus it helps you feel good and builds up a resume. There is still time left, Good luck!
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:42 pm

I just had an interview somewhere where the manager's relative works with my dad, but too bad I had the interview with the owner and not the manager.... lol. Didn't get the job though. Obviously.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:16 am

so, what did you learn from this interview? What would you keep the same, what would you have changed? How did you promote yourself? What outfit did you wear (usually it is recommended black pants and white shirt or something that looks professional), remember first impressions. Did you act assertive - smile and offer to shake their hand and thank them for the interview? Did you go in prepared? (research their company and job positions out beforehand and "observe" their employees).

I went to a job interview once where I wasn't prepared. I took a 2 hour bus ride to get there (I would have had to move if I got the position), had to wait for another hour as the Dentist was interviewing after hours, so I was tired, and hungry. My resume looked good because I had done some practicums and it showed a variety of experience but when he asked me what I would do at an ortho (braces) appointment I drew a blank. I was so nervous as well but instead of saying I am drawing a blank and that I was a quick learner ( in other words promoting what I knew I was good at) and that I was sure it would come back to me when I refamiliarized myself with it) I shrugged and said I didn't know. The resume I had mailed in had drawn his attention but how I handled myself made him doubt. So he said he needed someone with more experience. Needless to say for the next interview, with a different dentist, I was ready and I got the position, and braces was included in my job description. And I didn't have to move (which was one of the other factors probably in not getting the other job).
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:21 pm

With what to wear, I wore the best I had, beige pants and a nice shirt because I didn't have the money to buy anything nicer.
I tried sounding as assertive as I can, though I was panicking on the inside. These were for like fast food places and such.
And I had so many close calls, too.
I tell them that I have the ability to do my job and I could work at any times, I asked when I should hear back if I were to get the job. I try to go in with a smile on my face and everything. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
I'm just convinced that they don't want to hire me because of my lack of experience and they just don't want to train me. I could be wrong though. Everything is just making me very unmotivated. 4 years and not being able to get a job is ridiculous and I need a job because, for one, I'm 20. I HATE living in small towns.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby galled » Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:16 pm

It could just be timing (early bird gets the worm).

Sometimes what it takes is being persistent and enthusiastic (bordering on begging) until you build up your resume' a bit. You know "I'm young and enthusiastic, and I want to work here--you won't be sorry. Please give me a chance." I know that's hard when it's "just a job," but the people doing the hiring know/see that with the majority of applicants. I guess it might help to look at it as if you were in their shoes--who would you hire and why. Present yourself/be that person you'd hire over anyone else along with a little persistence/follow-up and I bet things start to happen for you.

Well, when you figure out what job or find a company you really want to be employed by it'll be easier to be passionate about it, but landing that job will be just as hard if not harder because you'll likely have more competition. I don't mean to discourage you, but you'll get how it works by that time and it won't seem like such an impossible task.

Best of luck! We're rootin' for ya!
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby Lemon Cheesecake » Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:31 pm

Monkey: that sounds like some good positives ( i always am so nervous inside with interviews as well). It most likely is their not wanting to train you if they feel you will just be leaving.

I was listening to a local shop owner telling someone they were desperate to hire people that would last. One person they hired was there for an hour, said they needed to go get something from their car and never came back! Another came to work drunk so they fired them, another failed to show up for their first day, another quit after only working a short time. Of course they are minimum paying jobs but still....

How much longer are you at school? Can you get a part time job near where you go to school working evenings or week ends and summers? You might get hired if they know you are going to be sticking around.Someone we know works at denny's and goes to school. They work their shifts around their classes.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby MonkeyGirl18 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:07 pm

galled: I always show up about 15 minutes or so early. I always get scared to call them back to follow-up because I know some places don't like that. I've had one place say that on the application, but Idk about the rest and I don't want to annoy them.

@"Lemon Cheesecake" I have about 3 years of college.... if I go back in the fall. My financial situation is tricky because my younger sis is going in the fall, my dad helped me my first year, I think he's helping my sis in her first year, told me that he won't help me and need to get a job...... and I don't even know anymore, now. My sister managed to land herself a summer job. Mainly because she's not afraid to call the place like I am. It took me forever to build up the courage to even call my first roommate to learn that the line was disconnected or the number was wrong. With school, I have a good chance to get a job at this church which also has an elementary school that looks for college students to help watch the kids after school until they're picked up by parents. I have a good shot at that since they look for active church members and I'm active. I just can't apply until I know I'm going back in the fall. That church, luckily, is in walking distance... it's like 1-3 miles away, but it's not far.
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Re: Monkey's Hangout

Postby galled » Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:38 pm

Of course if they say don't call them, you shouldn't. But a follow up is standard procedure for the employment process and they'll be impressed that you do follow up. I've even know people who've gotten jobs because they made a follow up call and they found out that they got the job because they were the only ones to follow up. The reasons ranged from it showed they really wanted to the job, to the call reminded the owner or manager they really needed to hire someone and the call triggered a decision on the spot. You really never know what's going to happen, but it's not bad to be pushed to the top of the list for doing the expected right thing. Most people don't follow up. You've got nothing to lose and you might gain a job.

I know it's scary, but it's how it works and they don't think anything of it so you shouldn't either. You'll either get the job or you'll be turned down. Which if you're turned down, you'll either never see that person again for the same thing (which is OK) or if you really want the job, they'll know who you are. So win-win no matter how you look at it.
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