Lemon: July 2019 is the latest post I've seen. I was more active February of last year though.
Npixelz: Or course I'd remember! I like your humor and writing. I feel bad when I have brain fog and either have difficulty understanding, difficulty responding or both. I've lurked a couple times and just read because my brain was like that's enough! Try again later.
Psycho Potato: There's dragons in just about all of them lol
I beat Sacred Stones and Awakening. The perma-death is challenging but the more recent games, I think starting with Awakening, allows to play without it on "casual" mode. 3 Houses is probably the easiest one to get into. The series as a whole can be restrictive with classes and skills etc. However 3 Houses lets you decide which job path and weapon skills you want to work one for each character.
Although if you do want to play them all Sacred stones then Awakening and on in series order might be better. Also easier to emulate older games too.
Shame you can't play Genshin Impact. My s.o. has been playing on his PC but tried it on his phone yesterday. I forgot to ask if it played well. I have a laptop but can't even play Twitch on it usually or much at all so I end up not using it.
Do you own any consoles?