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Balcangrad (He's back!)

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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby galled » Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:57 pm

I completely understand, Mihailo. It's terrible. I lived like that and had sleeping issues too (I never knew if I'd be woken up to a beating) so I went out on my own at 16. I don't suggest it, but felt like I didn't really have a choice (and I still feel that way today looking back at it).

Sometimes a change of scenery so to speak is good for all involved. It can give you a new perspective at the very least. I'm very happy to hear that you see that there's a better way. It took a long time and a conscious effort to make things better, but it can be done. I'm very happy today. Pick your goals and just take it one step at a time and you'll eventually get there.

Weather's been pretty consistent here. Warm-er in the day, but cold at night. No freezing yet, but cold enough to really appreciate heat!

I guess I don't have much to say about the elections at this point either, but there seems to be a lot of silliness going on daily since the elections. I'm not sure if people are crazier today or perhaps it's just the internet/information speed and accessibility that gives theses people voices/platforms to be heard/noticed when years ago, they'd be yelling on a street corner or something and no one could ever notice them. Interesting times that's for sure...

Thanksgiving was good. I enjoy having everyone I love and dearest to me under one roof again. How was yours? Did you do the turkey and whole shebang or do you do a Russian version of Turkey Day?
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby Balcan » Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:29 am

Where did you stay at 16, and for how long? That's very brave and I'd like to hear your story. You can send me a PM if that's better for you.

I am not concerned about the election. The fact that someone like Trump can even win the presidential election means WE HAVE A DEMOCRACY. Americans need to stop pitying themselves because ultimately few countries have it better than we do. Trump won't make decisions alone; they have to be approved by other branches of government. He has a strong cabinet. He's a businessman and has some good ideas on fixing the economy. He's a complete ape when it comes to social issues and world issues aren't his strong suit either but again, he isn't acting alone on these. (I'll go into detail upon request) The president has less power than you'd imagine.

For everyone threatening to leave the country because they're upset about Trump winning, be my guest. People are fleeing as refugees from countries like Syria and you want to go because our country elected someone you didn't want BY CHOICE? My friends in Russia and other Slavic countries would be happy to take your place and work hard here instead of fussing over discrepancies in political views. :)

Galled, you're right about the fanatics now having a platform to get noticed. Also Americans have gotten so used to having their rights protected and their every complaint heard that they've become brazen and demanding.

Did you cook? mine was a small event with mostly older family members. We had Turkey alongside several traditional Russian dishes. There was a platter with meats (kolbasa - sausage/salami type), cheese, beef tongue, and pickles (no vodka to pair them with). Thanksgiving was declared an international holiday but other countries typically don't celebrate. And on Black Friday people kill each other just to get sales on more items exactly one day after being thankful for what they have.
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby galled » Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:01 am

Hey, Mihailo!

Not much to say about it really. While I did spend a few nights in my car here and there (not fun!), I was fortunate enough to have a set of friends with very understanding parents. I basically couch surfed from place to place. I did that until I graduated HS. I had a part time job during those years (did homework at school), so I only needed a place to sleep and clean up. I didn't own much, so I had my life's possessions in a cardboard box. One family gave me a suitcase and I lived out of that eventually. I was so grateful for not having to live out of my car that I tried to leave as small of a footprint as possible so as to not outstay my welcome.

Like I said, I don't suggest doing it like I did, so if you have the opportunity, leave home on your terms when you're as prepared as you can be.

I think you very succinctly put how I see things too. We have to give Trump a chance and I am hopefully optimistic that his administration can make some much needed change.

No, I didn't cook. I prefer smaller events/meals to big ones. For me it's the people that make the holiday. The rest is secondary.

Yes, I think everyone has things to be thankful for, so that's good to at least have one day to remember and be thankful! :)

IIRC, weren't you friends with I Shall Engrave? Have you seen or heard from her?
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby Balcan » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:51 am

You're an appreciative person, like me. I don't need much and I'm thankful for anything that I'm offered. I also try to return the favor and be as little of a burden as possible. It's easier when you don't have much.

That's brave of you. I could pack up and leave but I want to take advantage of the benefits. I'm looking for a better job because I figure 1) it'll keep me busy enough that I won't have to spend much time at home and 2) I'll save up a good amount to get ahead. I'm glad it worked out for you. It could have ended badly. I tried running away before, unsuccessfully. How old are you now?

I like small events too but I have to feel like I'm contributing which is why I volunteer to cook, stay after to clean up, serve the food and drinks, etc. Never was a party/nightclub guy. I'd rather keep it between friends.

What does iirc stand for? I used to talk to her but I haven't been online so I lost touch with her and many others. I got rid of most of my social media and I'm much happier as a result. I can concentrate on reality. By the way, strong music video here:

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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby galled » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:26 am

I think being anything other than appreciative is destructive to you and those around you. For me having less/few things was a good thing in many ways--like being able to recognize and appreciate when things are good, and knowing deep down inside that if the poop were ever to hit the fan, you could still get along.

I don't think or feel that I was being brave. I really had no choice. Things were toxic and it grew out of control with mental and physical abuse. I was afraid to sleep because I didn't know what I would awaken to. Yes, I was lucky. It could have ended up very badly, but maybe not. I had an uncle that occasionally helped me out. Most people I knew would help out in small ways when I needed it. So it wasn't me against the world (although it felt like it many times). I wish to think of more pleasant things...

You're being smart, Mikailo. That sounds like the right things to do. I'm sure you'll do well. You have a plan and you're implementing it. That's how things get better in life. If you have no plan, it will most likely not go well (chaos theory).

IIRC stands for "If I Recall Correctly." Old school shorthand. ;)

Well, if you ever have contact with ISE, please let her know her friends here were thinking of her and would love to know how she's doing. The last we knew, she was getting her life on track and it was going full steam ahead! I bet she's doing wonderfully and we'd love to hear of her successes!

It's so inspiring when people do well, and especially heartwarming when they are your friends!

What kind of work do you do now and what kind of job are you looking for? Are you in school/did you go to school or straight to work?
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby Balcan » Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:37 pm

It's usually the people who've suffered who are the kindest, most grateful, and most humble. And it's much easier to adapt when you've known what it's like to live with very little (as opposed to someone who grew up with every comfort and one day has to do everything on his own).

If you want to talk more about your life, you can message me, otherwise we can change to less personal topics. Doesn't seem like you had a plan then, just to leave and hope for the best.

I have her contact from Kik which I abandoned but I'll get in touch. I'm better off without social media. Really, I'm like an angry old man that doesn't want to get with the times or learn about the latest trends and gadgets. I'm a minimalist - all I need is my IRL friends (I made an effort with abbreviations), my health, and a place to stay with basic furniture and utilities.

That's sweet of you to inquire about her.

I'm in my last semester of college (Associate's degree) for front-end programming and working minimum wage in a drugstore. I enjoy programming but this college hardly taught me anything. A prefix of "community college" is a strong indicator that your school is going to suck. Not picky with jobs at this point, anything that pays enough to sustain me and where I feel useful. I'm going on career sites and applying for any job that seems appealing within reasonable distance of me. What do you do for work, school or both?
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby galled » Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:35 pm

That is correct. I didn't have a plan and I didn't have a choice. I don't suggest anyone ever get into that situation. But not having a plan and my situation of living almost hour by hour forced me to evaluate how to efficiently move forward as quickly as possible. I've since become a compulsive planner. I can't sleep unless I know what I'm doing/where I'm going. It's both a blessing and a curse, but I get things done--and in the end, nothing else counts other than what you do/your actions.

Hey, don't feel bad about disconnecting. I think it's bad to be too connected and I don't do any social media either. Windlyn is the only site I'm on regularly. I have a few online friends around the world that are very near and dear to me, and I have a handful in real life that I would trust my life with. I've found that you only need a few good people in your life. I guess I'm a minimalist in more ways that I realized. :)

Oh, I'm a total tech geek! I don't buy that many gadgets, but I do have a few and I love learning about them. I have to keep my mind going on things. This is one of the joys in my life.

I found that schools can only teach you so much and the most important thing is to learn how to learn/teach yourself. Tech moves so fast that what you learn in school is outdated when they teach it. If you're going to be in the industry, you'll need to try and keep up with what's happening and where it's going.

There are tons of jobs for programmers. You just need to stand out a bit. Have you programmed anything interesting? Showing your skill will do that. It's like a portfolio for art majors or a reel for film majors.

Do you have any direction on which industry you'd like to program in? This will guide how you should gear your resume'. Yes, getting any better paying job is a goal, but you have the opportunity at this point of your life to guide where you'll go. It'll be much harder later in life. Shoot for the stars, Mihailo!
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby Balcan » Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:58 am

I don't feel bad at all, but I know I have to accept the new technology and that a lot of communication is electronic now and will be even more so in the future. Especially if I'm going to be a programming major. Languages of programming are evolving, new software is being released, which may not be compatible with my old version of windows so I have to upgrade.

Phones are getting smarter but it seems like people are getting dumber as they grow more dependent on them. I have classmates that are on Instagram throughout the entire lecture. One girl gave "it has more emojis!" As a reason for upgrading her phone. A young couple in a restaurant and they're not talking to each other or making eye contact - they're both looking down at their phones. I saw a guy injured at a train station and instead of helping people were taking photos and saying "this will be great on YouTube".

In reality, humans have very simple basic needs. And most of us don't use even half of the features of the trendiest, most advanced technology but we pay through the ass for extensions and accessories for it. Fuck American consumerism.

I know I can't rely on college to teach me everything but I want to feel like I'm getting value out of going here instead of just a diploma saying I finished it. I'm working with HTML and JavaScript mostly. There are companies that throw themselves at you if you're a programmer who knows what he's doing. It's an in-demand field.

Thanks for the encouragement. You still haven't told me what you do for work. :wink:
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby galled » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:26 pm

I've found that the chances of being successful at or in something requires that you have to love doing it. Tech is never boring that's for sure! I think you are a tech fan, but I gather that you don't like aspects of it (the human illogical parts). I'm kind of the same way. Fortunately, tech is so wide and deep that you can find parts of it to love and sufficiently avoid the stupid parts.

Windows 10 is basically a hopped up Windows 7 with a new interface and new browser. For a web developer, it's not a deal breaker. If it works on Chrome, you're good. Microsoft Edge will always have to be compatible with Chrome or they'd be making a huge mistakes--then again, Microsoft has made a few big mistakes in the past, but they eventually come around after getting the black eye.

I understand what you're saying about phones et al, and people, but are people really becoming dumber or is it they're just more visible now? Or has the level of stupid gone up a notch or two? I submit that intelligent people have always been a minority and what we see mostly is lack of traditional social mannerisms and lack of appreciation in others, as in acute focus on self rather than community and fellow humans. It's sad to see, but I totally understand how and why it happened.

Yes, the value of school... it runs the gamut and value has definitely declined over the years, but to get a lot of jobs it's just the cost of entry unless you can stand out a bit, so there is still positive value there unless you come out with a mountain for debt. HTML and JavaScript will give you a foundation, but mostly for web development (which is where most of the jobs are). Do you have any idea where/what company you'd like to work for or do you tend to want to be your own boss?

If I am correct, you'll be getting your diploma soon. Time to make plans and start interviewing. You can never start too early!

There are several people here in the same shoes you are in/place in life with degrees or soon-to-be degrees in software. I've been out of the industry for years (ex-Microsoftie), but I can offer insights on how big tech corporations work. If you're looking for more recent advice, I'm sure others would be happy to share their experiences, angst, and success stories. (Diana has made the jump and although she's still in school, she works as a developer at a well known web entity.)

Hey, no thanks necessary. We, and I think speaking for the Winners here too isn't being too bold, love to see people do their best and succeed! It's hard work and you have to keep going no matter what obstacles crop up, but doing less is unacceptable. Now that you know a little about my early life, I think you may understand what that means. We want you and everyone to be well, do well, and be happy. And success inspire success and we all love seeing it! Win-win/positive spirals are the kinds of things worthy of focusing on in life.

I do many things, but currently it's been mostly computer stuff as I figure out/decide on a new project to do. ;)
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby Balcan » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:00 am

I like Visual Basic (which is kind of outdated) and GUI programming as much as or possibly more than web design which is mostly aesthetic part of programming. At one point I thought about graphic design but I laugh thinking back on that. As Oscar Wilde wrote "all art is quite useless".

Windows 7 was good. My desktop was upgraded to Windows 10 enterprise and I hate that interface. I'll try to change it later.

Maybe people haven't gotten dumber, but their values and priorities certainly have changed because of these phones. They've gotten spoiled, greedy, and distracted because let's be honest - most younger people like college students use smartphones for entertainment. They have powerful machines that fit in the palm of their hand but they use them for amusement. Yes, it connects you with people online you never would have met but it disconnects you from those around you.

I'm in my last semester but I'm going to get my bachelor's degree while simultaneously working and afterwards I'll throw out a resume to whoever looks appealing. I'm flexible.

What exactly were you doing in "the industry"? Specifics please. I'll take you up on that offer and ask you and Diana when I have questions because I'm curious.

You're a sweetheart. And I admire your optimism, partly because I'm a cynic.
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby galled » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:35 pm

Balcan wrote:I like Visual Basic (which is kind of outdated) and GUI programming as much as or possibly more than web design which is mostly aesthetic part of programming. At one point I thought about graphic design but I laugh thinking back on that. As Oscar Wilde wrote "all art is quite useless".

Oh, I totally disagree with that! Art, at least good art (and we can go round and round about what is "art") reaches the emotional soul of humans. It has been used to great effect to guide (manipulate at worst) people to do and feel things. GUI's, like art are things people interface with and make or break a product (and this includes the marketing and sales stages).

Balcan wrote:Windows 7 was good. My desktop was upgraded to Windows 10 enterprise and I hate that interface. I'll try to change it later.

The interface doesn't bother me. It has some stupid things, but I've used enough OS's over the years that the interface itself doesn't matter to me anymore. All computers basically do the same things, so it's just a matter of finding the counterpart of what you're looking for. It's like command line calls. They are named different things, but you know what you want and it's there. It's not too big of a deal.

Have a look at Classic Shell if you haven't done so already.

Balcan wrote:Maybe people haven't gotten dumber, but their values and priorities certainly have changed because of these phones. They've gotten spoiled, greedy, and distracted because let's be honest - most younger people like college students use smartphones for entertainment. They have powerful machines that fit in the palm of their hand but they use them for amusement. Yes, it connects you with people online you never would have met but it disconnects you from those around you.

To me it's kind of like alcohol or drugs. There are some people who will be addicted and some who will not. What most people don't get is these things (games are a great example) are designed by very smart people (psychiatrists and psychologists and other phd's) to keep them online and in game. When a young mind faces off against very highly paid experts, I'll put my money on the experts every time.

Balcan wrote:I'm in my last semester but I'm going to get my bachelor's degree while simultaneously working and afterwards I'll throw out a resume to whoever looks appealing. I'm flexible.

That's good that you'll get your BS and work too. Consider getting an internship at a tech company. The big ones pay very well. See if your school or professors know of any internships.

Then a resume' alone won't get you an interview. While there's a need for workers, there's a lot of competition. A resume' is like a degree (it's the bare minimum).

Balcan wrote:What exactly were you doing in "the industry"? Specifics please. I'll take you up on that offer and ask you and Diana when I have questions because I'm curious.

I was in gaming and simulations and eventually headed up a group and lead the franchise. There are others working in tech that I know of here on Windlyn. If you ask for advice I would surprised if you didn't hear from some of them too.

Balcan wrote:You're a sweetheart. And I admire your optimism, partly because I'm a cynic.

Thank you! :) But honestly I'm just one of many here. I think this is one (and one of the big ones for me) of the many reasons why I believe Windlyn to be unique. Diana's love of art, kawaii things, programming, crafts, encouraging tech (especially for girls!), friends, and focusing on the positive side that life has to offer bloomed into Windlyn! :L_Wing: :R_Wing: :heart:

Believe it or not, but I'm a cynic too! I'm am from New York, so I think it's an east coast thing! I feel I'm wiser to know the downsides of things, but I choose to focus on the positives while watching the downsides so I can safely navigate to where I want to go. I hope that makes sense. :)

Have a great day!
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby Balcan » Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:20 pm

Replying nearly 5 months later...

Art is discretionary. Yes, it makes things more visually pleasing. But would my life be very different if, say, an invitation was written to me on a simple white piece of paper in the same basic font throughout than on a fancy greeting card simple complete with illustrations and sequins? Nope. I have nothing against art; I like seeing GOOD art and creativity at work, but I do not believe it is necessary in life.

Thanks for recommending Classic Shell. I ended up downgrading altogether because I can't stand this social media feed disguised as an operating system.

Many games are designed for pure entertainment and passing time. Is there a hidden benefit of "Flappy Bird" I am overlooking? There are educational games designed to improve memory, concentration, reaction time, etc. I'd like to see a comparison of download rates of those alongside the time-killers.

What's new?
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby Dipper » Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:30 pm

I have a rhythm game I like to play, I didn't really realize it was anything but just another game until I managed to catch something that fell from a supermarket shelf before it had fallen past the shelf below it lol XD
That game celebrated having 5 million downloads worldwide, I think... maybe at the beginning of this year, or some time last year.

Also, hello, Balcan, I'm Dipper. I joined recently ^^
And I'm about to go to sleep since it's 1:30am here XD
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Not really set in stone...still confused

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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby Gingerale » Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:15 pm

Welcome home! Where have your daily travels in life led you this time?
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Re: Balcangrad (He's back!)

Postby galled » Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:57 pm

Welcome back, Balcan! We missed you!

Hope things have been going well for you.

Back to art:
Yes, you could live without art, but art has the potential to make your life better--so I think we're better when art is part of our lives. On a more practical level, art is in many ways more effective than language when expressing emotional themes--especially for us English speakers. English lacks the vocabulary to express complex emotions--which is, in my opinion, why people I know (overwhelmingly English speakers) have a hard time expressing how they're feeling when it's other than happy.

I don't have anything against time waster games on the surface, but I do feel there's wasted potential (a pet peeve of mine) when you spend that much time on something, why not add some value like having your users learn something or develop a useful (outside of the game) skill? It wouldn't take that much more effort IMHO.

Anyhoo... I'm doing just fine (other than allergy attacks!). What have you been up to? Is school almost out?
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