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Sparkle Kingdom

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Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby Mousy » Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:16 pm

In a joking manner, yes.
And I feel pretty uncomfortable saying the word "Bitches" in front of 7 year olds, whether or not they may be within earshot. but Hey! That may just be me.
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Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby MystMist » Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:21 am

I never use such language outside internet. And yeah 7 year old kids can be really irritating if they pick up the use of such words.
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby Ryvvi » Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:42 am

Theres nothing wrong with "such words" irl or otherwise. At a primary school isn't the best place for it however.
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Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby MystMist » Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:04 am

Its generally considered rude or obnoxious, at least where i live.
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby Mousy » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:29 am

It's pretty commonplace here. Our students come to school hearing it at home. We have to explain that while those words are okay at home, they aren't to be used at school.
Words are just words though. The intent behind them is what can be considered rude or obnoxious.
For Example "Peace out, Bitches"~
I am not actually calling anyone a bitch because that is a phrase and one that is known generally as a joking one at that. It's also used towards people that I like. It's all about context. If I didn't like someone and I called them a "bitch" that is when it would be considered rude. I'm calling someone a name with the intent of hurting them.

It's pretty similar to how friends will call each other names like slut, ho, whore, bitch etc. If those words are used towards each other, it's almost a term of endearment. It's just what you call each other. However, if I'm using it towards someone that I am not friends with, it is considered offensive.
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby MystMist » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:48 am

I know that, sigh...
And friends insulting each other is a really stupid thing even if they don't mean anything by it.
It's just stupid xP
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby Ryvvi » Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:56 pm

Maybe for you it's stupid.
but for me swearing and taking the piss out of friends is how i, and most of my country rolls so.
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Local time: Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:18 am

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby MystMist » Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:41 am

*rolls around, flips and then flops*
I hate the smell of fertilizer in the morning xP
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby Ryvvi » Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:41 pm

Excuse me?
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Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby MystMist » Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:41 am

We have fields right outside our house
They have been fertilizing the last few days
So it have stunk most all day for a couple of days
At least it's too windy for the smell to stay today
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby Lime » Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:01 am

Oh man, I wonder when the next item update will be, too! Lmao I'm kidding, sorry. <3

Also, allergies. Omg. I hear you, Mousy! I'm allergic to metal, calamine lotion (stuff for chicken pox, rashes (I think?) etc.), I'm allergic to uhh.. Mosquitoes, fleas, a lot of other weird things. Grass was bad for a while, but not anymore. Pets like dogs and cats. I'm intolerant to dairy and the sun (really badly) but it's not technically an "allergy," but it may as well be. Oh, and morphine! Uhh.. Shellfish. And more I probably forgot. I usually avoid things enough to get by without remembering too much, lol.

Also, as far as swearing goes, I dunno about you guys, but it's pretty improper to say things like that in front of children, or people regardless. Like, if I'm sitting around in a Tim Horton's, and I swear by accident and there's a woman with her kids or something ordering food across the cafe, people hush me or point to the kids and I'm like "Oh, crap! I'm so sorry!" Lol. The only time we swear a lot is when we're just around friends like, at our house or something. And even then we generally don't swear if one of them still lives with their family. I dunno if that's just a Canadian thing, though. Haha.
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Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby MystMist » Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:45 pm

Wow that's a lot of allergies that you have.
How come a lot of people have so many allergies then?
As i said before i have none and most people i know have one or none.
So it is a bit curious to me.
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby Mousy » Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:20 pm

Lime- You can definitely live in my hypoallergenic bubble with me!

Myst- I'm really not sure why some have them and some don't! My dad blames my mother for taking me to the Dr a lot when I was little. He claims that I couldn't have built up an immunity to, well, life. XD My parents also smoked my whole life so i'm not sure what the correlations between allergies and second hand smoke are, if there are any. It's just the world's cruel joke on me because I love being outside and I love animals! The things I love cause me discomfort. T_T

Back onto the swearing-
I don't do it in front of children, but the children I'm around in the classroom hear it ALL the time at home. Sometimes they are even called those words in the intentional way and that's really sad. I work in a low SES school. That means that many of my students come from families that are not well off and several that are even below the poverty line. Some of my students have it pretty rough and some will have troubles that I will probably never even dream of or realize.

To get through college, I worked at Chuck E. Cheese. It's a restaurant geared for children. It's got games, prizes, pizza, and all sorts of exciting things for kids. I heard the worst kind of language working there from their parents. Sometimes they were cussing me or my coworkers out, cussing out their kids for taking too long, or even just using the words conversationally like I did in the scenario with the other teachers on recess duty. Only they did it directly in front of their children and everyone else in the restaurant.

I do live in a good sized city though. It's pretty large and I know that sometimes makes a difference. Small town vs. larger city
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby MystMist » Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:46 pm

If my parents smoked i would have guilted them into stopping it. It isn't good for anyone and people throws the butts everywhere. Also they smoke right outside buildings and in crowds that destroys the day for a lot of people who don't smoke.
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Local time: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:18 pm

Re: Sparkle Kingdom

Postby Mousy » Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:52 pm

That's a lot easier said than actually done. They got addicted to cigarettes at a time when there wasn't enough information out there for them to realize just how bad it was for their health. It was a time when it was the "cool" thing to do and they have been addicted for a long, long time. My sister and I did try different things to get them to stop. We would throw whole packs away, make snide comments, tried to make them feel guilty, etc, but none of that was very helpful. They tried the different patches, pills, gums and more recently e-cigs and those just didn't do it for them. They compromised with me and stopped smoking in the house about the time I was in High School. I thought it was fair. They weren't willing to stop for their own health, but they were willing to quit putting me at risk with their secondhand smoke. Through their smoking, they also made sure that my sister and I would never touch a cigarette. XD
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